Saturday, December 31, 2011

Your Treasure Valley business community: accomplishments and promotions


The Associated Taxpayers of Idaho elected the the following to three-year terms on its board:

Cameron Aria, vice president of public finance, Zions Bank, Boise; Pat Armstrong, controller for Idaho Sand & Gravel Co., Nampa; Brian Cook, vice president and loan team manager at Wells Fargo Bank, Boise; Michael Derbidge, deputy director, business management for the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls.

Tori Gray, CPA, Magnuson McHugh & Co., Coeur d?Alene; Dan Harbeke, director of public affairs for Utah, Idaho and Montana for Union Pacific Railroad Co., Salt Lake City; Jack Lyman, executive vice president of Idaho Mining Association, Boise; Christine Nims, tax manager, Agri Beef Co., Boise.

Glen Pond, regional community manager at PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power, Rexburg; Chris Salove, manager, sales and use tax for Albertsons/Supervalu in Boise; Ron Wilkes, vice president of U.S. Bank of Idaho, Boise; and Arlen Wittrock, public affairs consultant for ON Semiconductor, Pocatello.

Elected to a two-year term was Brian Berrett, vice president of finance for the Idaho Central Credit Union, Pocatello.

Compiled by Pat Carson. Email or fax 377-6449. For more details on these and other Your Business Community listings, see Business Insider magazine (subscriptions: 377-6397). All submissions become Statesman property.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Wintertime is great for observing Florida 'snowbirds'

We have two sorts of "snowbirds" on Florida beaches - human and avian.

Many come long distances to enjoy the mild oceanic weather of the low latitudes during winter. Some of the birds breed in northern Canada so the contrast between their summer and winter habitats is considerable.

It is fascinating to compare the different modes of feeding employed by various shorebirds. It can also be difficult for the uninitiated to distinguish among the species, some of which are confusingly similar. I recommend learning a few of the more common types of gulls, terns, egrets/herons, plovers and sandpipers to enhance your knowledge of beach ecology.

One of the most treasured birds is the common loon, which is not strictly speaking a beach bird, but it will feed just adjacent to the beach. This loon was swimming a few feet off the beach at Don Pedro Island, allowing it to trap small fish up against the sand.

Loons breed in northern freshwater lakes and have a marvelous call that has been used in movie sound tracks (notably "On Golden Pond") for years as a call of the wild. It is a special treat to see them in their winter saltwater habitat although their non-breeding plumage is drab compared with their summer finery. You will notice most of the birds are quite inconspicuous in winter to better blend in with the surroundings.

On the beach, especially in muddy areas, you will often see the dunlin, a mid-sized sandpiper with a long down-turned bill. It goes around probing the sediment for small invertebrates.

In comparison the red knot is slightly larger and has a shorter straight bill, which is used to pick food off the surface.

These two birds breed in the Arctic and illustrate how body size and bill length define the life styles of shorebirds. Red knots are famous for staging with millions of other shorebirds in Delaware Bay to fatten up on the eggs of horseshoe crabs before they fly north.

The plovers are a an interesting group of small- to medium-sized birds with short bills and a distinctive upright profile that picks up food from the surface. The largest is the black-bellied plover (only black in summer), which breeds in the Arctic north of Hudson Bay.

Two smaller plovers, the snowy and Wilson's, breed in Florida, including right here on Gasparilla Island.

Some of our wintering snowy plovers have been banded and found to breed on beaches in the Florida Panhandle. Many Wilson's plovers breed in our area. It is intriguing that the Wilson's has a larger bill than the snowy, apparently the better to catch and eat small ghost crabs.

One should not neglect to look overhead to observe birds such as gulls, terns and some exciting tropical visitors such as the magnificent frigate bird soaring overhead. Frigate birds are the ultimate flying machine with the longest wings relative to body mass of any bird.

They are parasites on other fish-eating birds and virtually never land on the surface. They breed in the Caribbean and the males have a bizarre red pouch under the throat, which is inflated and used to attract females.

To illustrate the amazing design of the frigate bird, I took a photo in the Yucatan of a rarely seen perched adult female. This illustrates the huge wings and giant hooked beak, which is used to pick up food from the surface without landing, or to attack other birds to steal their food.

The next time you go to the beach, look around to see what birds are there and you will begin to learn the major categories and species. It will enrich your experience to know a bit more about beach ecology and allow you to compare beaches at different times and observe changes. There is so much more to beaches than just sun, sand and waves.


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Video: 2012 Predictions: Social Media Rivals

CNBC's Julia Boorstin looks ahead to 2012 and makes predictions for popular social media companies including: Facebook, Zynga and Twitter.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ovarian cancer study proves drug delays disease progression, may improve survival

The findings, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, report that the drug halted the cancer's return for two months overall. However, for women with the highest risk disease, the delay was five to six months and in this group, the findings also indicate a strong trend to improved overall survival, which is being analysed until 2013.

"This is the first new drug in ovarian cancer in 15 years to improve outcome and I believe it should be considered as a potential new standard of care," says Dr. Oza, a medical oncologist who leads the Cancer Clinical Research Unit at Princess Margaret Hospital. He is also co-director of the hospital's Bras Family Drug Development Program and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.

The seven-year study began in 2004 and enrolled 1,528 women with ovarian cancer at 263 centres, including 20 in Canada. Avastin was added to chemotherapy treatment and given intravenously every three weeks for 12 months.

The drug blocks growth factors that promote new blood vessels formation in tumours, thereby "starving" the cancer. It is not a cure, explains Dr. Oza, but has a proven track record in delaying disease progression in other types of cancer including colorectal, lung, breast, kidney and brain.

"We now know that using Avastin in ovarian cancer for even this short time improves outcomes," says Dr. Oza. "The next step is to determine if giving it for a longer period would be of even greater benefit."

Similar findings from a U.S. study are also reported in this issue of the journal. Dr. Oza says the major difference between the two studies is that the women in the American study were given twice as much Avastin. "So the question now is would half the dose for double the duration improve outcomes even more? This is an area to investigate further."

Provided by University Health Network


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Kenya hangs on to its hope of finding oil wells

By?barnabas bii
Posted? Monday, December 26? 2011?at? 18:33

Discovery of oil in Uganda two years ago brought major oil prospecting companies back to Kenya, keen to determine if the black gold deposits exist in the country.

Hopes of Kenya striking it rich were dampened in 2009 when the China National Offshore Oil Corporation announced its exit from local oil exploration. It was the only cash-flush firm in the region at the time.

By the time it left, the company had drilled its 32nd well in the Anza basin of Isiolo District. Its exit dashed hopes of the country striking oil or gas.

Kenya?s hopes were revived after Tullow eventually struck oil near Lake Albert in Uganda in 2009 because the surrounding regions have similar geological structures, especially Kalabata Basin in Turkana County.

Australia?s Woodside Energy is among several international companies that have been keen on the search for oil and gas in the country. Others listed on the New York and London Stock exchanges are Premier Oil and Apache Oil.?

In September, French multinational Total acquired a 40 per cent stake in five blocks within the Lamu Basin from Anadarko Kenya Company Cove Energy with the brief of accelerating exploration work.

By April 2011, Energy minister Kiraitu Murungi was optimistic that other international oil companies were likely to rush in if oil or gas were discovered in Isiolo.

But by the end of the year, hopes of oil being found in the area plummeted and the focus shifted to Turkana.

Tullow set up base at Lokichar and Nakukulas in Lokichar basin, Turkana East County.

A drilling rig and associated equipment for oil prospecting were mobilised at the Nakukulus site by mid-2011.

According to a report released by Tullow, drilling at the well site code-named Ngamia-1 was to commence before the end of the year and last for two-and-a-half months.

The report says the drilling would be a static, non-intrusive operation closely regulated and monitored by the National Environment Management Authority.

The company began by constructing a road linking Lokichar trading centre in Turkana South and Lokori in Turkana East to facilitate transport.

It is not clear when the company will start work to find out if Kenya has any oil deposits.

?The community and the country at large stand to benefit if oil is discovered in the region since it will result in an improved economy,? said Mr Daniel Obolla, the Turkana East District commissioner.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sony agrees to end LCD venture with Samsung: source

TOKYO/SEOUL: Sony Corp has agreed to end its LCD joint venture with Samsung Electronics and will sell its stake to the South Korean company, a source familiar with the matter said on Monday.

The decision comes after Sony in November warned of a fourth straight year of losses, with its television unit alone set to lose $2.2 billion on tumbling demand and a surging yen.


The Japanese TV maker at that time said it would revamp LCD panel procurement, but declined to comment on reports that it would end the panel joint venture with Samsung.


A Samsung spokesman said on Monday the two companies would make an announcement regarding the joint venture at O630 GMT, without elaborating.


Sony holds a nearly 50 percent stake in liquid-crystal display (LCD) joint venture S-LCD, which was established in April 2004 to secure stable supplies of the component.


Shares in Sony were up 1.75 percent and Samsung Electronics shares traded flat as of 0535 GMT.


Global TV manufacturers are restructuring their businesses and outsourcing production as cutthroat competition and weak demand squeeze margins.


Samsung is the world's No. 1 TV maker, while Sony vies for the No.2 title with South Korea's LG Electronics Inc.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas wishes from the celebs as they send Twitter messages to fans

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Sunday 25th December, 2011 (Source: Daily Mirror)

Lily Allen and Sam Cooper (Pic: Rex Features) Lily Allen could hardly wait to get stuck into her presents this morning as she celebrated her first Christmas as a wife and mum. ...

Read the full story at Daily Mirror



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Prosecutors seek delay in mayor?s sex trial

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Prosecutors seek delay in mayor's sex trial ??

?????Tuesday 27th December, 2011??Source: The Sun Herald ??
JACKSON -- Federal prosecutors have asked a judge to delay the trial of Grady Sims, who is the mayor of Walnut Grove and a former jail warden accused of sexually assaulting an inmate and trying to cover it up.
Sims, former warden of Walnut Grove Transition Center, was indicted in October.
The indictment says the eight-term mayor sexually assaulted ...

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Obamas thank troops in Christmas message

U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama sent out a greeting to the American people today wishing them the best for the holiday season.

The two thanked troops, military families, and veterans for their service and sacrifice.

?After nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is over. Our troops are coming home. And across America, military families are being reunited. So let's take a moment to give thanks for their service; for their families' service; for our veterans' service. And let's say a prayer for all our troops standing post all over the world, especially our brave men and women in Afghanistan who are serving, even as we speak, in harm's way to protect the freedoms and security we hold dear," Obama said.

Obama is spending the holidays in Hawaii with his family, a day after signing a hard fought two month payroll tax cut extension in Washington.


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Cancer Survivors Should Take Steps to Keep Healthy During ...

FRIDAY, Dec. 23 (HealthDay News) -- The holiday season can be especially meaningful for cancer survivors, but they need to take steps to ensure they stay healthy through this often hectic and stressful time.

One in 20 U.S. adults is a cancer survivor and their ranks are growing. Many of these folks have long-term health needs due to the disease and its treatment, experts at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center pointed out in a center news release.

Karen Syrjala, co-director of the center's Survivorship Program, offers holiday health tips for cancer survivors, including the following:

  • Be prepared for your holiday stress points. Take steps to deal with family conflicts or trying to do too much. For example, if you have to see a difficult relative, plan something fun afterward so you can look forward to doing something enjoyable.
  • Take control of your time and eliminate holiday events or traditions you feel you can do without. Also, try to postpone non-holiday events until the new year.
  • Make sure to schedule time with people who mean the most to you. Spending time with those closest to you has a beneficial effect on both the body and brain.
  • Keep physically active during the holidays and all through the year. It's good for your overall health and may even reduce your cancer-related risks.
  • Eat a healthy diet. Focus more on giving your body what it needs (such as fruits and vegetables) and less on trying not to eat certain foods. Eating healthy foods before going to a party will make it easier to resist sweets and other unhealthy foods. Consult a nutritionist if you're not sure what is healthy for you or if you have digestion problems.
  • Avoid alcohol or drink in moderation. Alcohol has been linked with an increased risk of cancer.
  • Find time to relax your body and mind, and tend to your body's needs. If you're having physical problems, make a list and schedule an appointment with your doctor in the new year. Knowing you have a plan for dealing with these problems can ease your mind during the holidays.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about cancer survivors.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

JAYECANE: Merry Christmas to everyone love yall look for the new Jaye Cane IPhone / Android App coming soon ! Thank you.

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Merry Christmas to everyone love yall look for the new Jaye Cane IPhone / Android App coming soon ! Thank you. JAYECANE


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Kim Jong-il funeral offers olive branch, sends warning to South

North Korea welcomed plans for two private 'condolence delegations' from South Korea to Kim Jong-il's funeral, but condemned the South's refusal to send official delegation and warned darkly of consequences.

North Korea is turning the funeral in Pyongyang next Wednesday for Kim Jong-il into an opportunity for rhetoric against South Korea for refusing to send an official condolence delegation and then for banning most other South Koreans from going there as well.

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North Korea?s official website Uriminzokkiri on Friday attacked South Korea for ?unacceptable and inhumane action? for banning all but two condolence groups and warned darkly of the ban?s ?significant impact? of the ban.

The message on the website appeared as an attempt at intimidation, and a bid to suggest a new crisis on the Korean peninsula after Kim Jong-un, third son of Kim Jong-il, has assumed power.

"We will keep in mind those who do not understand even the most basic actions of respect and humanity,? said the message, warning that those ?who insult our dignity? face ?a very expensive price.?

The rhetoric suggested that the regime that falls into place after the funeral is not likely to shift dramatically from the hard-line stance of Kim Jong-il, who ruled with an iron fist during 17 years in power before his death ? even while earning a reputation as a playboy and charming foreign visitors.

?Not in the short run,? says David Kang, professor of Korean studies at the University of Southern California, when asked about chances for a thaw in North Korea?s tough stance vis-?-vis South Korea, the US, and Japan. ?If he?s following in his father?s footsteps, it will take a couple of years? before there?s any change in outlook.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Scientist gets 7-plus years for trade secret theft (AP)

INDIANAPOLIS ? A federal judge has sentenced a Chinese national scientist to more than seven years in federal prison after he pleaded guilty to illegally sending trade secrets on a pesticide and a new food product to China and Germany.

Judge William Lawrence announced the sentence Wednesday for 46-year-old Kexue Huang, formerly of Carmel., Ind. He pleaded to one count of economic espionage to benefit the Chinese government and one count of theft of trade secrets.

Court records show Huang from 2007 to 2010 delivered trade secrets on an organic pesticide he helped develop at Dow AgroSciences in Indiana to people in Germany and China.

After joining Minnesota-based Cargill Inc. in 2008, Huang stole a key component to make a new food product and gave it to a university student in China.


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Contrasting Income Growth for Africa and Asia

Keen observers of the growth trajectories of countries cannot help noticing that apart from the larger economies in Asia, sub-saharan africa has registered unprecedented growth levels in the last decade. The argument is relevant because one of the major problems that the latter region has had is the inability to hold on to an upward growth momentum for meaningful periods of time. Instead, Africa's example has been fluctuations of growth rates that coincide with commodity price changes. The summary of this experience from the mid-1970s is that dependence of petroleum and agriculture-based commodities is not a reliable path to growth and improvement of welfare.?

And that's why the contention is that it is yet not possible to state with confidence that sub-saharan Africa has overcome the mix of economic and political problems that it faces. That brings me to this fascinating article in the East African which makes the credible and well-based claim that the countries in the eastern region of africa will be leaders in overall growth in the coming two decades. It is an article worthy of reading because it is based on a complicated but sensible method for assessment of the complexity of an economy and concludes that the countries of the region under reference have economies that are more complex and diverse in production than is warranted by the incomes today.?

The author of the article concentrates on a list of manufacturing firms to illustrate the claim derived from the index of complexity. it is less clear to me that all these firms confer a comparative advantage to the region because it is unlikely that all are able to compete internationally. My view is that given the fact that manufacturing industry is a smaller proportion of the overall GDP of these countries, there is scope for growth but not?necessarily?for all existing firms. A final point that is worthy of note is that in spite of the prediction that the region will lead in GDP growth, it will still fall behind India and China in respect of per capita income growth. I think the reason is that this region has a large and youthful population and is expected to maintain strong moderately population growth for a few more decades. ?


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity in West Africa

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Le point sur l'intervention du gouvernement du Canada ? Attawapiskat : d?claration du ministre Duncan

21 d?c. 2011 18h38 HE

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - 21 d?c. 2011) - L'honorable John Duncan, ministre des Affaires autochtones et du d?veloppement du Nord canadien, a publi? la mise ? jour suivante concernant la r?novation du pavillon de ressourcement pour les r?sidants d'Attawapiskat :

? Je suis heureux de vous annoncer aujourd'hui que les travaux de r?novation du pavillon de ressourcement d'Attawapiskat sont en cours. Ces travaux urgents s'int?grent dans le plan d'action du gouvernement visant ? fournir des abris temporaires chauds et sans humidit? aux familles touch?es.

Une ?quipe form?e de plusieurs experts techniques se trouve actuellement sur le terrain et s'assure que le pavillon de ressourcement peut accueillir en tout confort l'une ou l'autre des 25 familles vivant pr?sentement dans des abris temporaires. Les experts veilleront ? ce que les familles h?berg?es dans le pavillon disposent d'un acc?s ? de l'eau potable, de syst?mes ?lectrique, de chauffage et de foyer efficaces ainsi que d'un syst?me de plomberie enti?rement fonctionnel.

Avec nos partenaires, nous visons ? terminer les r?novations du pavillon d'ici la fin de la semaine afin que les familles touch?es, notamment les enfants, disposent d'un endroit chaud, confortable et s?curitaire pour dormir jusqu'? ce que les 22 maisons modulaires command?es soient livr?es et qu'on termine la r?novation des trois habitations.

Notre gouvernement continuera ? travailler avec la collectivit? et la Croix-Rouge canadienne pour faire en sorte que les familles dans le besoin ont acc?s ? un
abri s?curitaire ainsi qu'aux n?cessit?s de subsistance au cours des prochains mois.

Je me r?jouis des mesures efficaces qui ont ?t? prises pour pr?parer des abris le plus rapidement possible. ?

Cette d?claration peut ?galement ?tre consult?e dans Internet ? l'adresse

Vous pouvez recevoir toutes nos nouvelles et nos mises ? jour m?diatiques automatiquement. Pour obtenir plus d'information sur le fil RSS de notre salle des m?dias ou vous y abonner :


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Linked with Increased Cancer Risk

People with myotonic muscular dystrophy may be more likely than people in the general population to develop certain types of cancer. These results were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Myotonic muscular dystrophy (MMD) is the most common form of adult-onset muscular dystrophy. The condition is characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness.

Some reports have suggested that people with MMD may have an increased risk of benign and malignant tumors. To further explore this issue, researchers conducted a study among more than 1,600 people who were diagnosed with MMD in Sweden or Denmark between 1977 and 2008. The cancer risk in the study participants was compared with the cancer risk in the general population of those countries.

  • 104 MMD patients were diagnosed with cancer during follow-up. In a similar group of people from the general population, only 52 cases of cancer would be expected.
  • Types of cancer that were significantly more common among the MMD patients than among the general population were endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of the uterus), brain cancer, ovarian cancer, and colon cancer. Other types of cancer that may be more common among MMD patients include eye cancer, female genital cancer, thyroid cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

These results suggest that people with MMD may have an increased risk of several types of cancer. People with MMD may wish to talk with their doctor about recommended cancer screening tests and other ways to manage their cancer risk.

Reference: Gadalla SM, Lund M, Pfeiffer RM et al. Cancer risk among patients with myotonic muscular dystrophy. JAMA. 2011;306(22):2480-2486.

Copyright ? 2011 CancerConsultants. All Rights Reserved.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

D.C. Appeals Court Upholds Police Assault Conviction, Despite ...

Terrance Crossland was mowing the lawn and smoking a cigarette when he and his cousin were stopped by police in northeast Washington in April. Police later acknowledged that neither man was doing anything unlawful, but because they were investigating a string of recent crimes, police nevertheless asked them to put their hands on a fence for a weapons pat-down.

Crossland protested and the encounter escalated quickly, and Crossland was later charged with assaulting a police officer. In a District of Columbia Court of Appeals opinion (PDF) published today, the court upheld Crossland's conviction, but had strong words for the police officers involved.

Senior Judge Frank Schwelb wrote that he agreed with Crossland?s attorney that the police were being "rewarded" for what Schwelb characterized as the officers? ?patently unconstitutional conduct.? Schwelb wrote that he was bound to uphold the conviction because case law doesn?t permit individuals to use violence against police ? even in resisting unlawful conduct ? but he instructed the U.S. attorney?s office to tell the police that what they did was wrong.

?If anything good is to come from this unfortunate street encounter between the police and a citizen, it should be an end to the unconstitutional police conduct revealed beyond peradventure by this record,? Schwelb wrote. ?If this hope is naive and unrealistic, then to that extent we are less the land of the free than we would otherwise be.?

Crossland?s attorney, Rockville, Md.-based solo practitioner Regina Michaels, did not immediately return a request for comment. The U.S. attorney?s office declined to comment and the Metropolitan Police Department was not immediately available.

Crossland appealed his conviction on two grounds. First, he claimed that prosecutors failed to prove that he hit the officers first; according to the opinion, Crossland called witnesses at trial who described seeing one officer hit Crossland without provocation. Second, Crossland said the trial judge made a mistake in denying his motion for a judgment of acquittal. He had moved for acquittal as a sanction against the officers? violation of his Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure.

During the bench trial, Superior Court Judge Florence Pan credited the officer?s testimony that Crossland hit first. The appellate judges wrote that in the absence of any evidence that Pan made a mistake in crediting the officer?s testimony, they were bound to uphold the conviction.

Responding to Crossland?s argument that Pan made a mistake in denying the motion for judgment of acquittal, the appellate judges wrote that unless the police then tried to use any evidence they seized from the unlawful search against him, he didn?t have grounds for acquittal.

Furthermore, the judges wrote, the law didn?t give him leeway to use force in resisting the officers? behavior, even if it was unconstitutional.

Associate Judge John Fisher and Phyllis Thompson also heard the case.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

AT&T Galaxy S II Android 2.3.6 update pushed out

AT&T Galaxy S II update

The AT&T Galaxy S II is getting a nice little update this morning that brings its Android version number to 2.3.6. A number of people have reported that the update failed at first, but others have installed it with nary a hitch. Go to Settings>About Phone and give it a shot, then hit the link below to see how it's going for everyone else.

Discuss: AT&T Galaxy S II forums; more: Samsung
Thanks, @dmcincubus, for the tip!


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Verizon Galaxy Nexus now available online

More in the Verizon Galaxy Nexus forums

Android Central

The wait is over, and you can now order the Verizon Galaxy Nexus online!  Many will say it's a month late, many will say there never was a date, but none of that matters now, and you'll all have soon forgotten.  Things change when you get the shiny Nexus feeling in your hands, the birds sing more, the sun shines brighter, dogs and cats lie together in harmony, you get the idea.  Like all good things in life though, this one isn't free.  It will set you back $299 with a new contract, but that's the same as any high-end LTE phone available on Big Red.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Britney Spears And Jason Trawick: A Timeline Of Their Love

The couple started dating in 2009 while Trawick was still Britney's agent.
By Jocelyn Vena

Jason Trawick and Britney Spears
Photo: WireImage

Months ago, rumors began circulating that Britney Spears and longtime boyfriend Jason Trawick were going to tie the knot. And on Friday (December 16), sources close to the pair and a mysterious tweet from the star herself confirmed that the couple is engaged.

Trawick had already been working with the star as her agent at William Morris Endeavor Entertainment when they began dating in 2009. They went public with their romance when they showed up hand-in-hand to the 2010 Grammy Awards. That May, the two decided to separate their business and personal relationships, and it was confirmed that Trawick would no longer be representing Spears.

The pair have always been pretty low-key. In an interview with Ryan Seacrest this March, the pop star opened up about their life together. "We're really normal," she said. "We just like to watch movies; we work out a lot; we take walks." In May, Spears told Harper's Bazaar, "I've thought about both [marriage and kids]," saying that tying the knot with Trawick could happen "if the timing was right."

And in an interview with Us Weekly in April, Spears gushed about life with Trawick. "We have such a great time together! He makes me laugh, and we are so comfortable being ourselves," she said. "Maybe [I'll marry again]. Never say never!"

In August, Spears and Trawick walked the red carpet at the 2011 MTV VMAs, and Britney later thanked Trawick when she took the stage to accept her Moonman for Best Pop Video for "Till the World Ends."

While the two have remained relatively private, they gave fans a peek at their personal life when they played the lead roles in Britney's "Criminal" video. The video focuses on a fictional love affair between their characters, who go on a crime spree that leads to a steamy encounter. Director Chris Marrs Piliero said Trawick "killed it."

This will be Britney's third marriage. She was married to Jason Alexander for 55 hours in 2004. Later that year, she married back-up dancer Kevin Federline; the two divorced in 2006. Federline and Spears have two sons, Jayden James and Sean Preston.

A rep for the singer has yet to confirm the news of this latest engagement to MTV News.

Send your well-wishes to Britney and Jason in the comments.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

With 100 billion nerve cells, the brain is the most complex organ in the human body. "We want to understand the development program behind," says Dr. Steffen Scholpp from the ITG. "We want to find out how individual parts of the brain develop, this means, what makes precursor cells build a specialized area such as the thalamus." Scholpp's group at ITG studies the development of the thalamus. "It is the central interface between the brain and the outer world: Everything that is perceived via eyes, ears or the tactile sense has to pass the thalamus before it is routed to the cerebral cortex for further processing."

In the long term, the scientists want to be able to heal damaged brain parts by a tissue replacement therapy. If, for example, brain tissue is damaged after an infarct, is the body is not able to regenerate this tissue. "Today, stroke is the most frequent cause of disability acquired at adult age and due to its central role, damage of the thalamus is very serious," emphasizes Steffen Scholpp. "For this reason, we have to find a strategy to activate stem cells such that the damaged tissue can be replaced." Recently, an important step was made by the scientists: By studying zebrafish, they identified Lhx2 and Lhx9, the factors controlling the development of neurons in the thalamus. "Without these factors, the thalamus would accommodate undifferentiated nerve cells only ? this means, the precursory cells lack the information required for specialization," explains the biologist. Analysis of brain development in zebrafish allows conclusions to be drawn with respect to the development in all vertebrates, including human. The results of the group are published in the current issue of the PLoS Biology journal.

In the same study, Scholpp and his team identified another factor that acts as "adhesive" in the thalamus: The cell adhesion molecule Pcdh10b ensures development of the thalamus without mixing with the surrounding brain areas. If this factor is lacking, the neurons differentiate, but do not find their target destination. It is now the objective of the researchers to activate these factors in the cultivating dish (in vitro) in undifferentiated cells first for new thalamus tissue to form. In close cooperation with engineers, the biologists are already developing 2-dimensional cell culture systems. In January, they will start a 3D cell cultivation project. "KIT offers excellent opportunities: Parallel to our research, materials researchers work on the development of various biomaterials (biopolymers) which will be tested in the cultivation experiments", says Scholpp.

Dr. Steffen Scholpp thinks that it will be possible to heal stroke patients in the future. "Of course, this will take some years. But it is our ultimate goal to take out quiescent stem cells from a stroke patient and to switch on the specific development biology program in these cells outside of the body. Finally, we plan to bring them back to the position of the damaged tissue. This would be real healing."

Under the Emmy Noether program, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has granted funding in the amount of EUR 1.3 million to Dr. Steffen Scholpp for a duration of five years. The Emmy Noether program is designed to support young scientists in establishing an own working group. The team of Dr. Steffen Scholpp presently comprises one postdoctoral research fellow, three doctoral students, a technical employee, and two master students.


Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres:

Thanks to Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres for this article.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Olympus report finds management 'rotten' and proposes legal action ...

Dec 6, 2011 at 20:13:32 GMT

Legal action should be taken against the responsible members of a board of directors that was 'rotten to the core,' says the independent report into financial irregularities at Olympus. The report confirms the use of an elaborate scheme to move around $1.7 billion investment losses from the 1990s off the company's balance sheet. Those losses were then disguised as excessive transaction fees when Olympus bought other companies, and in write-downs on the value of newly purchased assets.

The report finds a number of former board members were involved and also criticizes the rest of the company's management for not questioning their actions. It also highlights failures in the auditing process. Meanwhile, although the share price has started to recover and the company has reiterated its intention to submit its Q2 earnings by the December 14th deadline, the New York Times has questioned the independence of the panel and its ability to fully investigate such a complex issue in a single month.

The report's dismissal of suggestions of connections to organized crime has prompted Japanese bank Sumitomo Mitsui to pledge its support to the company as it re-establishes itself and implements improved governance structures, Reuters is reporting.


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Monday, December 5, 2011

25 die in Syria, as defectors battle regime forces (AP)

BEIRUT ? Violence sweeping across Syria killed 25 people on Saturday, most of them in a battle between troops and a growing force of army defectors who have joined the movement to oust the autocratic president, activists said. The Arab League, meanwhile, agreed on the details of economic and diplomatic sanctions against the regime.

The revolt against Bashar Assad's rule began with peaceful protests in mid-March, triggering a brutal crackdown. The unrest has steadily become bloodier as defectors and some civilians take up arms, prompting the United Nations' human rights chief to refer to it this week as a civil war and urge the international community to protect Syrian civilians.

Sanctions by the United States, the European Union, Turkey and the 22-member Arab League have so far failed to blunt the turmoil, but are leaving Assad's regime increasingly isolated.

Arab League ministers meeting in the Gulf nation of Qatar on Saturday to finalize the bloc's penalties agreed on a list of 19 Syrian officials subject to a travel ban. Among them are Cabinet ministers, intelligence chiefs and security officers, but the list does not include Assad.

Many of the Arab sanctions, which were first announced last Sunday, went into effect immediately, including cutting off transactions with the Syrian central bank, halting Arab government funding for projects in Syria and freezing government assets. Flights between Syria and its Arab neighbors will stop Dec. 15.

The Arab League also agreed to ban the supply of all weapons to Syria.

The worst violence on Saturday took place in the restive northwestern city of Idlib.

The pre-dawn clashes between regime forces and defectors killed seven soldiers and policemen, as well as five defectors and three civilians, according to a British-based group of Syrian activists called the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Elsewhere, security forces killed one civilian in the southern province of Daraa, six in the central region of Homs and three others in areas near Idlib, the observatory said.

The U.N.'s top human rights official said this week that Syria is in a state of civil war and that more than 4,000 people have been killed since March.

Until recently, most of the bloodshed in Syria was caused by security forces firing on mainly peaceful protesters, but there have been growing reports of army defectors and armed civilians fighting regime forces.

November was the deadliest month of the uprising, with at least 950 people killed in gunbattles, raids and other violence, according to activist groups.

In the west of the country, Syrian troops detained at least 27 people in the village of Talkalakh on the border with Lebanon and set fire to the homes of nine activists who were on the run, the observatory said.

Talkalakh is within walking distance from Lebanon, and at least two Lebanese civilians were struck by bullets on their side of the border on Friday. Witnesses said that they had heard hours of explosions and heavy machine-gun fire coming from the village.

The country's state-run SANA news agency confirmed the arrests in Talkalakh, saying that those detained were "terrorists" involved in smuggling weapons, drugs and bringing in fighters from Lebanon. The regime has consistently blamed armed gangs acting out a foreign conspiracy for Syria's unrest.

The opposition activists reject that and say they are pushing for Assad's ouster in hopes of breaking open the nation's closed political scene.

The reports of new violence could not be independently confirmed. The regime has sealed the country off from foreign journalists and prevented independent reporting.

Syria has refused to accept an Arab League proposal for ending the violence under which a team of Arab monitors would enter the country to ensure the government has halted its crackdown on protesters.

Arab League officials at Saturday's meeting in Qatar said Syria has asked for a meeting to discuss the proposed monitoring team with the league's secretary-general, Nabil Elaraby. But no date or venue for those talks was announced.

The league suspended Syria's membership in November.


Associated Press writer Aya Batrawy contributed to this report from Cairo.


Bassem Mroue can be reached on


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Mexico's other challenge: to burnish its brand

Can Mexico help the world see past its escalating drug war, and showcase all that it offers?

To say that Mexico has a big branding problem might sound pretty flip. What America's southern neighbor faces is nothing that a smirking Don Draper type could spin: Its drug war has taken 40,000 lives in the past five years. Ciudad Ju?rez has become the world's murder capital. That's sort of like having Mogadishu, Somalia, just across the river from El Paso, Texas.

Skip to next paragraph

Of course, Mexico's other faces include Cabo San Lucas, the playground of Baja California. There's Canc?n and Cozumel, white-sand magnets for spring breakers and divers. Mayan ruins. Luminous folk art. Cuisine.

Perceptions matter, whether from outside or within. They affect how a nation fares economically ? tourism, business relations ? and its political standing. On some level they might even help determine how much help is offered by outsiders in realms ranging from finance to security.

News last year of the killing of an American jet-skier ? by Mexican drug traffickers, perhaps ? on border-straddling Falcon Lake got Americans' attention. Now come reports that potent "black tar" heroin from Mexico is creeping into eastern US states. And 17 tons of marijuana were recently found in a border tunnel.

For Mexicans, perception hardens into an unkind reality. Bad news keeps coming, much of it linked to cartels flexing their muscles in increasingly bold ways, as Sara Miller Llana, the Monitor's Mexico City bureau chief, reports from Veracruz (see page 26). There are beheadings. Grenade attacks on police.

The Calder?n government maintains that much of the violence is of the criminal-on-crimimal kind. But crossfire killings, peripheral damage, fear, and suspicion appear to be spreading.

In a drive-by shooting in western Sinaloa State recently, one of those killed was Diego Rivas, whose "narcocorridos," songs that glorify drug traffickers, apparently slighted the wrong drug lord. And when a helicopter crashed in fog Nov. 11, killing a top government drug enforcer, some wondered whether it had been a narcoterrorist hit. (Charges of government opacity and corruption also generate their own buzz.)

How does that kind of mounting cultural dysfunction hit people's perceptions of a country?

One metric, for what it's worth: FutureBrand, a global consultancy, just released its latest Country Brand Index. It surveys a range of data (including statistics on violence and unrest), adds insights gleaned from interviews with influential branding sources, and cranks out a list.


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Saturday, December 3, 2011

End of the line for Cain? Announcement Saturday (AP)

ATLANTA ? Rapidly becoming a mere footnote in the presidential race, Herman Cain sent mixed signals Friday on whether he would abandon his beleaguered White House bid on Saturday after a woman's allegation of an extramarital affair.

He said he would make a "major announcement" on whether he would press on ? at an event still being billed as the grand opening of a new headquarters.

It is the latest ? and perhaps final ? twist in a campaign saga that has taken the Georgia businessman from unknown longshot to surprise frontrunner to embattled tabloid subject.

He arrived at his suburban Atlanta home on Friday afternoon to talk with his wife of 42 years, Gloria, about whether to press on after his campaign was rocked by multiple sexual harassment allegations and this week's claim that he had a 13-year affair. He denies wrongdoing. It was their first face-to-face meeting since the allegation was made public.

Earlier, in a speech in Rock Hill, S.C., Cain wouldn't disclose whether he would drop out but told supporters to stay tuned. He said he would clarify the next steps of the campaign and assured backers the affair claim was "garbage." But he also said he needed to consider what he would do with campaign donations already banked if he dropped out of the race.

"Nobody's going to make me make that prematurely," Cain told a crowd of about 100 people. "That's all there is to it."

"My wife and family comes first. I've got to take that into consideration," Cain added. "I don't doubt the support that I have. Just look at the people who are here."

Cain had not seen his wife since Ginger White, 46, came forward and said she had a sexual affair with Cain that lasted more than a decade. He has said they were only friends but acknowledged that he helped pay her monthly bills and expenses. His wife, Cain said, did not know of the friendship with White.

The former Godfather's pizza executive said he is reassessing whether his presidential bid is still viable.

But it was difficult to imagine a path forward with just a month until the lead-off Iowa caucuses.

Polls suggest his popularity has taken a deep hit.

A Des Moines Register poll released Friday showed Cain's support plummeting, with backing from 8 percent of Republican caucusgoers in Iowa, down from 23 percent a month ago.

Fundraising has also fallen off. He issued an email appeal to supporters on Friday asking for donations, in an attempt to gauge whether his financial support has dried up.

"I need to know that you are behind me 100 percent," Cain told backers. "In today's political environment, the only way we can gauge true support is by the willingness of our supporters to invest in this effort.

A political novice, Cain leveraged strong tea party support to hurtle to the front of the Republican pack in October casting himself as an anti-establishment outsider. His catchy 9-9-9 tax overhaul proposal helped his rise. But his effort soon lost altitude.

He fumbled policy questions, and his campaign was knocked reeling when it was revealed a little more than a month ago that the National Restaurant Association paid settlements to two women who claimed Cain sexually harassed them while he was president of the organization. A third woman told The Associated Press that Cain made inappropriate sexual advances but that she didn't file a complaint. A fourth woman also stepped forward to accuse Cain of groping her in a car in 1997.

Cain has denied wrongdoing in all cases. And his campaign was taking some steps to blunt the drumbeat of allegations.

It unveiled a "Women for Herman Cain" webpage with testimonials from female backers, some urging him to stay in the race. It was led by Gloria Cain.

The candidate's wife ? who's not been on the campaign trail ? has drawn her own support as the allegations against her husband have piled up.

A Facebook page "I Stand With Gloria Cain" had attracted more than 400 supporters by Friday afternoon.

On Friday, Cain urged backers in South Carolina to look past the allegations.

"There's a lot of garbage on the Internet. There's a lot of garbage out there on the TV. There's a lot of garbage out there about me, don't you know? There's a lot of misinformation out there. You have to stay informed and check out the facts for yourself," Cain said.

He added: "I'm on this journey for a reason. I don't look back."

Word of a pending announcement took some aides by surprise.

"I am learning this as you're learning it," said Cain's Iowa campaign chairman, Steve Grubbs, who met Thursday with campaign manager Mark Block.

The two outlined a December travel schedule for Cain, who began advertising on television again in Iowa on Friday.

As of Friday afternoon, Cain was scheduled to participate in the two Iowa debates this month, hold a media announcement in Iowa on Dec. 12 and tour the state at the end of the month.

"That's sort of the plan, very tentatively," Grubbs said. "All that could change."

Georgia supporters set to attend the Saturday event in Atlanta ? billed as a headquarters celebration ? were taken aback by the news that an announcement was coming.

"I have heard nothing," said state Sen. Josh McKoon, a prominent Cain backer who will stand with him Saturday.


Philip Elliott reported from Rock Hill, S.C. Associated Press writers Ray Henry in Atlanta and Thomas Beaumont in Iowa contributed to this report.


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A Double Island Reversal for the Finance SPDR - Don't Ignore This ...

With a gap up on Monday and another on Wednesday, the Finance SPDR (XLF) formed two island reversals over the last three weeks. The first island formed on Friday-Monday (red circle). The second island formed from 21 to 29 November (blue oval). Notice the gaps on either side of these islands.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Green cars in spotlight at waning Japan auto show (AP)

TOKYO ? Green cars rolled into the spotlight at the Tokyo auto show as Japan's automakers look to fuel efficient technology to reinvigorate growth after tough times.

The showcase for Japan's pillar auto industry was holding its preview for media on Wednesday ahead of opening to the public on Saturday.

Plug-in hybrids and electric cars are centerstage at the Tokyo Motor Show ? reflecting both how green cars are growing in popularity and the low profile of foreign automakers at the event.

The show been scaling back in recent years because of the waning importance of Japan as an auto market. Car makers ? including Japan's ? are increasingly looking to China, India and other nations with greater growth potential.

Ford Motor Co. of the U.S. skipped the show, and General Motors Co. had only a tiny corner booth. Just a handful of European makers such as BMW with a chance at wooing rich Japanese buyers had full-scale booths.

Japanese automakers have had a tough few years due to the strong yen, image problems from Toyota's massive recalls and the large production disruptions from the March disasters in northeastern Japan. But green technology remains a strong selling point for car makers such as Toyota Motor Corp. which pioneered broad consumer acceptance of gasoline-electric hybrid cars with its hit Prius.

Honda Motor Co. said it will start selling an electric version of its Fit subcompact in the U.S. and Japan by the middle of next year. It showed concept cars such as the AC-X plug-in hybrid, EV-STER electric roadster convertible and a tiny electric car called Micro Commuter

"We will continue to offer products with an edge," said Honda President Takanobu Ito before drinking orange juice poured by Honda's Asimo robot, which recently has gained more nimble human-like fingers.

Honda showed a portable battery that people could carry around and put not only in their electric cars and plug-ins but also in small electric scooters.

Nissan Motor Co. had an updated version of its futuristic-looking electric car called Pivo 3, which can drive itself, find parking spaces and swerve around in almost a complete circle.

Koichiro Imoto, who writes about Japan's auto industry, says overseas interest in the show has plunged, except for a handful of manufacturers like Volkswagen AG that do good business in Japan.

"Technology is the only thing Japan has to cling to so the show is trying to highlight those strengths," he said. "Selling the technological superiority is the only way left for Japan."

Toyota President Akio Toyoda was outright emotional at his presentation when he said Japan was going through hard times after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan.

Japanese automakers, including Toyota Motor Corp., were forced to scale back production as parts suppliers in northeastern Japan were damaged.

That battering was followed by a smaller but similar problem when suppliers got hit by flooding in Thailand, Toyoda said.

"Japan has been plunged into sadness," he said, often gesturing with his hands to emphasize his points.

Toyota must do all it can to work with the people of northeastern Japan and Thailand to propel a recovery, he said.

"Our messages are 'Fun to drive again,' and 'Never give up,' " he said, using English phrases for the mottos.

Mamoru Katou, auto analyst with Tokai Tokyo Research, believes the most interesting models at the show are the ones close to being commercial models.

On display at Toyota's sprawling booth is the plug-in version of its hit Prius hybrid, which will start at 2.75 million yen ($35,200) with subsidies in Japan.

Toyota began taking orders in Japan for the plug-in on Tuesday. In the U.S., where Toyota has already started to take orders online, the car starts at $32,000 without subsidies, which will vary by state.

Toyota, which has sold more than 3.4 million hybrids worldwide so far, is targeting Prius plug-in sales of 60,000 a year globally. The car is set for delivery in Japan in January.

Toyota is also showing an electric car and a fuel cell prototype.

"Overall, interest is going to be diminished because the economy isn't doing so well around the world," Katou said. "But there's still interest in Toyota cars."

Carlos Ghosn, chief executive at Nissan ? which has been aggressive on electric vehicles with its Leaf car, but has been a straggler with hybrids compared to Toyota and Honda ? said no single green technology was going to dominate.

In about a decade, electric vehicles will make up 10 percent of the auto market as concerns grow about global warming, and governments in the U.S., Japan, Europe and China encourage their sales, he said.

"Zero-emission cars are going to become more and more popular," Ghosn said on the sidelines of the show. "You need to prepare the technologies."


Follow Yuri Kageyama on Twitter at


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Monday, November 28, 2011

A bigger, better Infinity Blade 2 coming to iOS devices December 1 (Appolicious)

The best things in life are worth waiting for, particularly sequels to revolutionary video games you can play on mobile devices. Infinity Blade 2, a follow-up to the state-of-the-art title that debuted on Apple?s iOS devices a year ago, drops on Dec. 1 and is arguably the most anticipated game to hit the platform this year.

Developer ChAIR Entertainment raised the bar on what the iPhone (as well as iPad and iPod touch) was capable of creating in terms of graphics, and the original Infinity Blade was among the first games to use publisher Epic Games? Unreal Engine 3 to render its realistic 3-D graphics.

With Infinity Blade, ChAIR and Epic set a new standard on the kinds of games that could be brought to Apple?s mobile devices. The title featured a simple premise that had players taking on the role of a lone warrior venturing through a series of sword duels on the road to fighting the God King, a powerful final boss. When players were killed by the God King (as they often were), they would take on the role of their former character?s descendant ? retaining all the equipment and powers they had gained along the way ? to give battling the God King another go. The game packs graphics on-par with some console video games, and the developer received awards as well as plenty of sales for the title. The graphics on Infinity Blade 2, as you can see below, do not disappoint.

A hard act to follow

The follow up to Infinity Blade has some serious shoes to fill, but ChAIR is bringing quite a few new features to bear with the title. Right out of the gate, the game is optimized for Apple?s top-of-the-line hardware, leveraging the power of the dual-core A5 chips found in the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2. Graphically, Infinity Blade 2 should follow its predecessor in setting the bar for graphics on mobile devices across the board.

ChAIR is also bringing back everything that worked about Infinity Blade including its low-impact navigation system, simple but responsive touch controls and focus on a few core elements of sword-dueling fun. It's adding a lot more to the package the second time around. There?s a much bigger emphasis on the game?s storyline this time out, whereas Infinity Blade had very little. In fact, Epic and ChAIR have released a novella on iTunes called ?Infinity Blade: Awakening,? which bridges the gap between the two games.

In terms of technical improvements, ChAIR has worked on Infinity Blade 2?s touch controls to make them more responsive and let players feel more attuned to the actions of their characters. Sword-fighting is handled in much the same way: players dodge, block or parry enemy attacks until they can find an opening in that enemy?s defenses, at which point they slash away as quickly as possible to rack-up damage.

Bigger and better

But around this simple kernel, a lot of cool new things have been added. Navigation is straightforward, but the game world has been substantially expanded. You won?t just gather new equipment, you?ll actually gather materials to improve the items you find or forge new ones. ChAIR also added new fighting styles for players to explore. Instead of just battling with a sword and a shield, for instance, you?ll now be able to wield two weapons at once (or a two-handed weapon). All three styles fundamentally change the way you?ll have to approach Infinity Blade 2?s battles.

While ChAIR is improving a lot of what the first Infinity Blade had to offer for its second go-round, what is most interesting is how much the game is going to take advantage of everything that Apple?s iOS system has to offer. Along with the use of the A5 chip for some of the most stunning graphics available on the platform, the game will use iCloud to allow players to switch devices mid-game. Additionally, gamers will be able to take advantage of features found exclusively within iOS 5, Apple?s mobile operating system that debuted earlier this year. This includes playing the game on a TV screen using iOS 5?s HDMI output feature.

Infinity Blade 2 stands ready to be the first iOS title to really make use of everything the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iOS 5 have to offer. It?s hard not to be excited for ChAIR?s new release. It has a hefty pedigree to live up to following its first title, but it sounds like Infinity Blade 2 is going to be the game that sets the high water mark for iOS titles in 2012.


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