Sunday, September 30, 2012

Embracing the Wii U: 5 Reasons Haters Should Reconsider ...

It?s now only 2 months until the Wii U launches, and the next console generation alongside it. I?m incredibly excited to get my hands on a GamePad, but there are many people out there that are, shall we say, a tad less enthused.

British newspaper outlet The Sun unfairly ripped on the console with five unresearched, irrelevant and downright bizarre reasons not to buy the console. I should point out that this is the very same newspaper that fabricated lies about the 3DS causing dizziness and sickness and claimed that terrorists use Call of Duty to congregate. But to those less familiar with The Sun?s anti-gaming lies and exaggerations, this may well have put off casual Wii fans unfortunate enough to happen upon this corrupt newspaper and swallow their nonsense.

More recently, Bayonetta 2 was announced as a Wii U-exclusive. Were fans happy about finally getting a sequel to?an excellent and beloved game they have begged for for years? Well, last time I checked people openly announcing that they want to kill themselves wasn?t a sign of positivity. Actually I hesitate to call them fans, after?Twitter and gaming forums were bombarded with boycotts and developer Platinum Games were sent death threats. Why? Simply because the game is on Wii U, and they feel that Wii U exclusivity is a personal attack towards them. Isn?t that adorable?

There is a lot of hate around the Internet for Nintendo in general after their success with the Wii console. I feel that most of that comes from this hipster attitude, where hating on what?s popular somehow makes you incredibly cool and funny. But if people are actively vocal on their exaggerated hatred for the Wii, it only really serves to annoy people and start pointless arguments.

Some people have genuine disinterest for the console with reasons to back it up, and I respect that. I?m not saying anyone should be forced to like something, but whether you are a reasonable skeptic on the decision to buy the new console or one of the aforementioned fanboy pyschopaths, perhaps I can persuade you to look at the console in a more positive light.

HD Nintendo Games for the First Time

One of the common complaints with the Wii is that it has been quickly outpaced by Xbox 360 and PS3 in terms of power, leaving its graphical capabilities outdated. Nintendo is now taking its first into HD, and for will be the most graphically enhanced console on the market at least for a brief period. Its invalid to say that the Wii U will be obsolete when Sony and Microsoft bring out their next consoles, because there isn?t really much further we can advance graphically in games anyway. The Genesis had more bits than the SNES, and PS3 is the most powerful console available right now, but neither rose above their competitors.

But while graphics aren?t that big of a selling point, Nintendo taking their games into HD is very exciting. Many may think that the more cartoony Nintendo worlds won?t benefit much from HD like more realistic games on other systems will, but in fact the opposite is true. HD is currently wasted on gritty shooters that only show different shades of brown in their environments. Viva Pinata is a fantastic-looking game because it was extremely bright, vibrant and colourful, which is exactly how HD should be represented by when showing its capabilities. The use and clashing of colours in Rare?s candy-stuffed animal simulator made for an amazing retina-pleasing game, despite the simplicity of its cartoony style. We?ll soon get to see Mario?s, Zelda?s, and Pikmin?s worlds really come to life than ever before.

The GamePad Offers New Possibilities

Many people feel intimidated by motion control, or claim that its not ?real gaming?. It can be a different experience to using a controller, but so what? For an industry where innovation is key to success and people complaining that there?s too many sequels and shooters, it baffles me how people are scared of change. I love traditional-style gaming on my PS3 and 360 controllers, but its always nice to have another console that approaches gaming in a different way. Besides, old-school control is going nowhere on Nintendo?s system ? the GamePad itself has all the buttons and layout to be used without waggling or shaking, and the dual analogue sticks that the Wii Remotes lacked now open the possibilities for shooters and other genres.

It Won?t Repeat Wii?s Mistakes

Nintendo have proven that they have listened to their fans, and seem to be avoiding the same mistakes with their previous console. The most common complaints with the Wii are that it lacks the quality of online play that is present on other consoles, the tiny storage space and the lack of games in this last year or two. Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime has revealed many improvements on the new console. We can expect a more substantial online infrastrucure, unlimited storage options (quote: ?you can plug in a full-on three terabyte hard drive if you want?)?and a strong consistent line-up will mean we still have reason to turn on the system near the end of its life cycle.

The Next Generation and Support of Struggling Publishers

Remember when we were all excited when the next generation of consoles was soon to begin? As I said, graphics are unable to impress with massive new leaps, so Nintendo has rightfully created another machine that innovates how we play, rather than just how pretty the games look. I?ll never forget my first time swinging my Wii Remote, or my introduction to HD in GTAIV?s Liberty City.

Seven long years after this generation started with Microsoft?s Xbox 360, its about time we started afresh. With developers as big as Team Bondi (creators of L.A. Noire) going down on a worryingly regular basis, a system launch could be just what the industry needs to get back on track. Peter Molyneux himself has said that the lack of IP is ridiculous, and that its because too many publishers are holding out for the next generation. The reason we?re bombarded with sequels right now is because people believe that its too late in the console cycle to develop new IPs. And with the industry in the state its currently facing, what better company to support dying developers than the financially-dominant Nintendo.

The Games!

Most importantly, the Wii U will be home to many games you won?t find anywhere else. Aside Nintendo?s exclusives that almost always deliver, you can also expect many third-party developers supporting the system. Already we have Ubisoft offering ZombiU, and Platinum giving us Bayonetta 2 which, although you may complain, simply wouldn?t be possible at all without Nintendo. We?ll have many games that will utilise the GamePad?s tilt, touch and dual screen features in ways we never imagined, and I for one am very excited.

Article from

Related posts:

  1. Reggie Fils-Aime Comments on HD Nintendo Console
  2. Nintendo to Announce New Console in June?
  3. Reggie on Next Nintendo Console, Competition
  4. The Console Wars And The Fan Boys
  5. Stupid Console War


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A nation inured to wanton murder was nevertheless shocked by this one: In November 2010, a group of four young men milling about as a party ended attacked another teen, randomly picking him as the victim of their vicious assault. Bobby Tillman, 18, did nothing to provoke his assailants to knock him to the ground and kick and stomp him to death.The crime occurred outside a suburban Atlanta home after parents called a halt to a teen party that had gotten out of control. This was no beating by members of a rival gang, no attack set off by longstanding grudges or old misunderstandings. ...


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Former boss: Arsenal new boy won?t have it easy in north London

Lukas Podolski has made an impressive start at Arsenal. Photo: Adam Davy/EMPICS Sport Lukas Podolski has made an impressive start at Arsenal. Photo: Adam Davy/EMPICS Sport

Sunday, September 30, 2012
11:07 AM

Former Germany manager Berti Vogts has launched a scathing attack on Arsenal forward Lukas Podolski.

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The German international moved to north London in the summer and it was a move that pleased Vogts, who felt he had an easy life at former Cologne.

?I am happy that Podolski has left Cologne,? Vogts said. ?He had too many friends in the city. He got praised as a great runner if he ever got back to defend three times in a game.

?He got an easy ride and he believed his own publicity. But now he has a coach at Arsenal in Arsene Wenger who will make him work hard in training as well as matches.

?If Podolski fails to train properly twice or three times he won?t get games. That is the way to develop him into a true professional.?

Since joining Arsenal, Podolski has scored three goals in seven games.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

UPDATE 4-Spain debt rises on aid to banks, regions

Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:22pm BST

* Spain details cuts to health, education

* Debt-to-GDP ratio to rise to 90.5 percent by end-2013

* Budget deficit rises to 7.4 percent including bank aid

* Gross debt issuance rises to 207.2 billion euros in 2013

By Andr?s Gonz?lez

MADRID, Sept 29 (Reuters) - Spain's debt levels are set to rise next year, piling pressure on the government to apply for aid as it pours funds in to cash-strapped regions, an ailing banking system and rising refinancing costs, its budget showed on Saturday.

Spain's debt as a ratio of gross domestic product will reach 90.5 percent by end 2013, according to the document presented to parliament for approval, almost three times that registered before the property bubble burst in 2008.

The budget aims to make savings of around 13 billion euros ($16.7 billion) next year, largely by deepening already unpopular cuts in public sector wages, education, health and social services, fuelling anti-austerity protests.

"This is an austerity budget, but will serve to help us get over this long economic crisis and once again show that Spain is a trustworthy partner within Europe," Treasury Minister Cristobal Montoro told journalists after delivering the budget.

Spain is at the centre of the euro zone debt crisis as nervous investors demand ever higher premiums to hold Spanish debt on concerns the government cannot control its finances in the midst of a deepening recession.

Calls by wealthy northeastern region Catalonia for independence and the rising number of demonstrations on the streets of major cities have stoked doubts Spain can fix its problems without help.

Thousands of protesters gathered on Saturday in Madrid's Neptune plaza, between the Prado Museum and Parliament, for a third time this week to vent anger at politicians they accuse of pillaging the welfare state to bail out badly-run banks.

"This has to change. We have to show them we are not an anti-system minority but represent Spain's discontent and we are many. You only have to see the unemployment rate to see that," said state school teacher, Montse, 44, who was at the march with her unemployed husband and 11-year-old daughter.

Unemployment in Spain is more than double the European Union average, with half of all working-age under-26s unable to find jobs and shattered businesses laying off employees they cannot afford to pay.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has delayed any plea for aid, which would kick-start a European Central Bank plan to buy debt and ease financing costs, though this week has passed reforms and the budget plan in what many see is an effort to pre-empt the likely terms of a bailout.

Rajoy, who said he is considering the conditions behind any aid request, is widely expected to wait until after regional elections in Galicia and the Basque Country before taking any decision.


The budget details spending cuts of 3.1 percent in health, 14.4 percent in education and 6.3 percent in unemployment benefits, as the recession, which began in the first quarter, drags on.

Spain will also slash state funding to commerce, tourism and small, and medium-sized companies by 18.8 percent and infrastructure by 13.5 percent.

The government will increase its reliance on international markets for funding next year, with gross debt issuance requirements of 207.2 billion euros, after budgeting in 2012 for gross issuance of 186.1 billion euros.

The cost of financing its debt, as benchmark 10-year bond yields rise to near unsustainable levels of above 6 percent, is expected to increase to 38.6 billion euros, or 3.6 percent of GDP, in 2013, the budget showed.

The Treasury must pay debt redemptions of 159.2 billion euros in 2013, up slightly from 153.2 billion euros in 2012.

The increase in the debt-to-GDP ratio was due the economic crisis and the effect of state instruments on public accounts, the Treasury said in the document.

The instruments include the power deficit bond programme, FADE, the service provider fund for regional governments, Spain's part in aid granted to Ireland, Greece and Portugal and the recapitalisation loan for the country's banks, it said.

Brussels on Thursday said the budget was a large step in the right direction. But many economists expressed doubt Spain's conservatives would be able to raise the cash the budget demanded as pension and debt-servicing costs rise.

"My general view is that this is an optimistic budget, in the sense that predictions for the contraction in 2013 are very optimistic," said Xavier Vives, economist at business school IESE, adding he expected the plans to be revised as with every other budget over the last four years.

The budget is based on the assumption GDP will shrink by 0.5 percent in 2013 year-on-year, though most economists expect a deeper slump.


Spain will meet its 2012 public deficit target as dictated by European guidelines, Montoro said, but the shortfall will jump by more than one percentage point if aid to its struggling banks were taken in to account.

The Spanish deficit this year would be 6.3 percent of GDP, not including these payments to its banks, he said, but would rise to 9.4 percent of GDP last year and 7.4 percent of GDP this year if the aid was considered.

"Everything within the deficit derived from financial operations aren't included ... they're considered one-offs," Montoro said.

Spain has asked for up to 100 billion euros for its crisis-hit banks, though the debate among Spain's European partners rages over whether that money would go directly to its lenders or first via public coffers.

On Friday, an independent report showed Spanish banks will need up to 59.3 billion euros in extra capital to ride out the economic downturn.

The budget details on Saturday showed Spain's debt ratio included 30 billion euros of the planned 100-billion-euro aid request for the country's banks.


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Genealogy and Family History Conferences for Fall - Genealogy ...

by Jen Thorpe | More from this Blogger

luggage Genealogy conferences, and family history conferences, can be exciting to attend. Instead of watching a webinar while you sit at home, you get to travel and to meet with other genealogists. The FamilySearch blog has a short list of upcoming genealogy and family history conferences that are happening this Fall. I've added in a few additional ones.

The AAHGS, which stands for the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, is having their 33rd AAHGS Conference on October 4, 2012, through October 7, 2012. It will take place in the Embassy Suites Airport Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina. The theme is "Our African & Southern Heritage". You can register for the conference through the AAHGS website.

The Logan Utah Family History Center, which is located in Logan, Utah, will hold an FHC Conference on October 13, 2012. The theme is: "Find Your Tree in the Forest". The Keynote Speaker will be Michael D Rossetti, who will be presenting "Using Google Search to Connect with Your Past". Registration is free. Please pre-register so they know how many people to expect. You can order a sack lunch for $7.00, and a printed syllabus for $8.00.

The Illinois State Genealogical Society will have the 2012 ISGS Fall Conference on October 19, 2012 and on October 20, 2012. It will take place in Rockford, Illinois in the Best Western Clock Tower Resort & Conference Center.

Register by October 1, 2012, and it will cost $89.99. It might cost more if you wait to register after that date. There will be several speakers, including Thomas MacEntee, John Phillip Colletta, Dr. Daniel Hubbard, and more.

The 2012 Sioux Falls Family History Conference will happen on October 27, 2012. It will take place at their meetinghouse, which is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The theme is: "Celebrating the Past". The Keynote Speaker will be Virginia Hanson, who is an Archivist for the South Dakota State Archives. There is no charge to attend the conference classes. You can pre-pay for a sandwich/salad buffet for $6.50 (or can provide your own lunch).

The Texas State Genealogical Society will hold the 2012 TSGS Annual Conference from November 1, 2012, through November 3, 2012. It is going to take place in the Riley Conference Center, which is located in Fort Worth, Texas. The theme is: "Saddlebags to Social Networking: Following Ancestors Through History".

The featured speaker will be Curt B. Witcher, MLS, FUGA, IGSF. He is the Senior Manager for Special Collections at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Texas. It is expected that there will be a way to register for the Conference online, soon.

Image by TFDuesing on Flickr

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I am currently writing for the Insurance, Deals, Genealogy, and Special Needs blogs.I have also written for the Parenting,Money, Homeschooling, Preschool, Health, Food and Weightloss blogs.

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The Most Important Job Interview Question - Anthony Tjan - Harvard ...

At colleges and business schools across the country, the new academic year is just getting under way and with it a new recruiting season for talent.

At my venture firm, Cue Ball, our day job is to be seekers of great talent with whom we can partner, invest, and grow exciting new ideas and businesses. We try to stay true to the principle of a founding figure of venture capital, George Doriot, who was fond of saying that it is always better to back an A-team with a B-plan than an A-plan with a B-team.

People always trump ideas. That's because while good people can change misguided ideas, the best ideas can't change mediocre people. It has therefore always been our philosophy to remember that the ultimate customer in venture capital is not the VC, but the entrepreneur. If you are doing your job right and attracting the best talent, then it is the entrepreneur who will be choosing you as opposed to you who is choosing the entrepreneur.

This should be the case in job interviews as well. Too often, I feel, employers forget that they want or need the candidate as much as the candidate needs them. Perhaps out of arrogance or perceived power, most interview time is spent asking questions about the candidate with only the last couple of minutes for what feels like an obligatory "do you have any questions for me about us?" You only need to survey a handful of recent job candidates or sit in on a few job interviews to observe that there is usually too little interactive dialogue, and too much one-way questioning of the interviewee: Why are your skills right for this position? Tell us more about your last job? How are you going to add value? What is your work ethic? Tell us three adjectives that would describe your attitude? What about your weaknesses? All these questions are a variant of Why should you matter to us? They all generally fit into the "skill" and "will" buckets.

Yet if you want the best talent, then almost by definition you should want talent that has choices. Your mindset therefore needs to be that of both job evaluator and talent scout. As with venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, it is the talent that is the ultimate customer, not the employer. Top talent will always have the balance of power over the employer, not the other way around. This has big implications for that typical barrage of evaluator-type questions. Start by reflecting on how often you have asked the most practical and important of all job interview questions: If you were given this opportunity, would you take it?

We neglect asking this most practical of questions because we are so focused on the "skill" and "will" categories to determine if a candidate is desirable. But a careful pre-review of a resume and the first 15 to 20 minutes of an interview is usually plenty of time to get validation of a candidate's skill set and will capabilities. Therefore, good interview design should incorporate more humility ? taking on more aspects of a mutual dating session than a backroom interrogation. Ask yourself the next time you or your colleagues complete an interview if you have gained a sense of the likelihood of whether the candidate would join your firm. If you have no idea ? which is the answer I have heard too often ? then you have failed to take full advantage of the interview time. Understanding or at least having a sense post-interview whether the candidate ? the customer ? really wants this job or if he or she is just "shopping" should be a goal of any good interview and evaluation process.

I have encouraged colleagues to probe deeper during pitches from entrepreneurs or in job interviews of prospective candidates into the critical and practical question of whether or not the candidate wants us. To help do that, there are several related and similarly practical questions: Where do you want to eventually live and settle? Where else are you looking and why do we stand out in your set of choices? Are there any reasons why you would not take this job if it were offered? All of these questions are pragmatic because they focus on the probability of yield. Having a sense of the yield probability of a candidate, his or her motivations for interviewing, and the possible obstacles to accepting the job should be among the most important interview goals. They more effectively channel your time and energy with the candidate.

The next time you are interviewing a candidate, remember that she is the customer ? and that the balance of power is not necessarily with you just because you are offering a job. If you don't think like that, you might waste a lot of time and be disappointed making offers that people don't accept. Or worse, you might experience adverse selection, and end up with people below the potential you could have gotten. As soon as you have the sense that you have a qualified candidate, start balancing your interview mode with sell mode. Explain why you and your firm make sense for the candidate, why you are a natural choice. Then ask the most important question ? would they choose you?


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Friday, September 28, 2012

House lawmaker blocks $450M in US aid for Egypt

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The head of a House panel that oversees foreign aid is blocking $450 million in U.S. assistance to Egypt.

Republican Rep. Kay Granger of Texas said in a statement Friday that the State Department notified Congress of plans to transfer the money to the new government of President Mohammed Morsi. Granger says she isn't convinced of the urgent need for the aid and is putting a hold on the funds.

Granger is chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations.

Ties between the United States and Egypt have been strained, especially after demonstrators breached the U.S. Embassy in Cairo two weeks ago to protest an anti-Islam video. President Barack Obama also candidly said the two countries are neither enemies nor allies.

The State Department had no immediate comment.


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Casting Call for Austin, Texas Student Scene "Kramer vs. Kramer"

Posted By: Paul Bright
Filed Under: Austin, Casting/Crew Calls

Casting Call for Austin, Texas Student Scene ?Kramer vs. Kramer?

Production Title: Kramer vs. Kramer scene
Studio/Independent/Student: Student
Union/Non-Union: Non-Union
Project Type: Short Film
Production Location: Austin, Texas
Production Start Date: October 12, 2012
Shooting Schedule: 1 day, 2 if needed
Production Wrap Date: October 13, 2012

Producer: Zoe Katleman
Director: Zoe Katleman

Synopsis: Ted arrives home with good news about his job. Joanna informs him that she is leaving him and will not be taking their son with her.

Character Breakdowns:

  • JOANNA Kramer (mid 20s to early 40s):?The wife of Ted Kramer and the mother of Billy. She had a career when she married Ted but chose to leave her job after her and Ted decided to start a family. During the day she stays home and works on hobbies or shops for the family. When Billy is home from school she cares for him. She has slowly slipped in to a melancholy state and flounders in confusion over how her life is turning out.

Paid/Non-Paid: Non-Paid
Other/Additional Compensation: Film Credit,?DVD Copy
Meals/Lodging/Transportation Provided: Snacks and Beverages

*Email Your Casting Submissions To:

Special Notes for Potential Cast/Crew: This is a short student film for University of Texas at Austin, RTF program Director?s?Workshop. You will work with other actors and receive feedback from and network with?other up-and-coming directors. This job is unpaid but is a great chance to hone your?craft. The final product will be a well-produced and well-directed scene for your reel.?This is a scene from the film Kramer vs. Kramer (1979).

Audition Date: September 29, 2012
Audition Start Time: 01:00
Audition End Time: 04:00
Audition Location/Address: University of Texas at Austin, CMB Building, Studio 4D


Are you a Texas filmmaker (yes, actors are filmmakers, too!)? Was this post helpful? Receive more posts like this via email and RSS to stay current with Texas casting calls, crew calls and Texas film news . Sign up for our newsletter and RSS feed.

Tags: Austin Actors, Austin Auditions, Austin Casting Call, Austin Crew Call, Austin Film, Casting Call, Short Film, Texas Actors, Texas Auditions, Texas Casting Call, Texas Crew Call, Texas Film, texas film crew, Texas Short Film, Zoe Katleman


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MOO.COM Unveils Business Cards With NFC-Open Beta Test This Year, Full Roll-out in 2013

Brand Identity Leader Embraces the Future of Networking ?

Connecting Businesses Offline and Online

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Committed to cutting-edge design and technology, MOO.COM (, the award-winning online printer and branding resource, today announced plans to release near field communication (NFC)-enabled business cards. The cards will be available in early 2013, but 150,000 MOO customers will have the opportunity to participate in an open beta test later this year for free.

"The business world is constantly evolving and adopting new technologies that streamline communication, and we at MOO believe the digital printing market should adapt to bridge the gap between online and offline identities"

This innovative communication tool will combine MOO's impeccably designed Luxe Business Cards with the frictionless technology of NFC to create a tangible, yet digital way to share marketing content via any NFC-enabled smartphone.

MOO's new Business Cards with NFC create a unique "Third Side" to the business card, allowing companies to go beyond just sharing contact information to showcasing their brand in an innovative way both offline and online. With NFC technology, users have the ability to write and rewrite the URL on the chip to direct people to whatever digital properties they choose. A real estate agent could highlight different listings daily; a local retailer could highlight seasonal sales and promotions, limiting the need to create costly marketing materials, as well as provide a map to its location; and a jewelry designer at a street fair could link to a product catalogue.

"The business world is constantly evolving and adopting new technologies that streamline communication, and we at MOO believe the digital printing market should adapt to bridge the gap between online and offline identities," said Richard Moross, CEO and Founder of MOO.COM. "For the past six years MOO has been dedicated to helping businesses, both big and small, create an offline identity and curate a brand that is as unique as its people. With the roll-out of our NFC cards, and our recent acquisition of, a design-led personal identity site, we are showing our commitment to expanding online personal and professional identity creation."

MOO Business Cards with NFC are made using MOO's Luxe Business Cards, which were introduced earlier this year as the company's premium business card offering. Combined with the innovative NFC technology, MOO NFC Business Cards seamlessly bring together online and offline networking.

"Our goal for NFC is to allow businesses to expand the possibilities of face-to-face networking to include their digital identities," said Moross. "We have such creative customers; we can't wait to see their ideas for using this technology."

Invested in the growth of NFC, MOO is rolling out a plan to share this new technology with customers at no cost. Starting today, the first 150,000 customers to place a business card order will receive a complimentary MOO Business Card with NFC as part of an open beta test. The embedded NFC chip will be programmed to link to a landing page that features the user's contact information.

"This year will be crucial for our NFC cards," said Moross, "As we're going to be gathering feedback from our customers on how they're using their cards. It will be invaluable in rolling out additional solutions for them in 2013."

In the future, MOO Business Cards with NFC packs will be available for purchase and provide avid networkers with the ability to customize the content of their cards. To learn more, please visit or watch a demonstration video at


MOO is an award-winning online print business that is passionate about great design and the difference it can make to its customers and the world. Launched in 2006, MOO aims to disrupt the $640 billion global print industry by combining the values of professional design with accessibility and reach of the web; making great design available to all. By applying Web 2.0 principles to a 500 year-old market, MOO has become one of the fastest growing print businesses in the world, with triple digit annual growth and a global reach since launch. MOO prints millions of cards a month and has served customers in over 180 countries. MOO also empowers companies of 10 or more employees with MOO for Business, offering volume discounts and easy order management for entire organizations. For more information, visit


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 Exercise Tips for those with High Blood Pressure | Her Fitness Hut

If you have high blood pressure, it doesn?t have to stop you from exercising???This condition can be reversed with healthy nutrition and exercise.

According to WebMD:

a. If your blood pressure is normal (less than 120/80), get it checked at least every 2 years or more frequently as your doctor suggests.

b. If your blood pressure is borderline high ? systolic blood pressure between 120 and 139 or diastolic blood pressure of 80 to 89 ? check it at least every year or more often as your doctor suggests.

c. If your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, talk with your doctor as this is high blood pressure and requires a doctor?s attention.

As a personal trainer, I must consider a client as hypertensive if the client is taking medication to control high blood pressure. Before a trainer will train you, your doctor would have to clear you for an exercise program.

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but it can cause serious problems such as stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure.

You can control high blood pressure through exercise, healthy eating and medication (if needed). I have seen cases where exercise and healthy eating made medication unnecessary after a period of time.

If you have high blood pressure, you can follow a pretty regular exercise routine. But, you do need to take some precautions. Here are 7 tips:

1) Do your resistance exercises in a seated or standing position to avoid dizziness.

2) Breathe during exercises. This seems like a no-brainer, but I constantly remind clients to breathe properly.

3) If you are feeling light-headed, etc. before a workout, it is safe to check your blood pressure.

4) Don?t over-grip when lifting weights and do not clench your fists while running or exercising.

5) Progress the intensity of your cardio exercise when clearance from your doctor is given.

6) Always pay attention to ?your heart-rate response? to certain exercises. Every one is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all formula for exercise.

7) If you exercise in the heat, stop?exercising if you feel sick, have chills, headache, severe muscle burning or aching, dizziness or blurred vision.? If your symptoms don?t subside in a few minutes, you could be headed for a heat stroke that can kill you!? ?Exercise in heat?lasting more than 1 hour?can cause fatigue, dehydration, muscle weakness/cramps and decreased coordination.? This?is caused by low levels of fluids, salt or glycogen (fuel from carbohydrate calories).

Keep your fluids, salt and glycogen levels adequate before and during?exercise because it is often too late once the symptoms show up.? Endurance?events such as 5K runs, 10K runs and marathons?require your heart to efficiently pump oxygen in your bloodstream from your lungs into your muscles.

A study from the University of Connecticut shows that with dehydration, your heart beats with far less force, so it pumps far less blood with each beat. Therefore, an inadequate amount of oxygen reaches your muscles. Don?t depend on thirst to tell you when you lack fluids.? When you are going to exercise for more than 1 hour, especially in hot weather, drink small amounts of water frequently and eat salted snacks or consume a sports drink.

Remember, fitness is a lifestyle choice and should be a permanent commitment for you. Don?t rush the results when your health is at stake!

?Exercise is not my life?..exercise makes my life better!?

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
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Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs

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Bad Piggies (for Android)

Bad Piggies, Rovio's buzzworthy follow-up to Angry Birds, will probably not appeal to the same casual gaming crowd that's addicted to catapulting birds, but it's a very good game in other ways. It's slower, more thoughtful, more skill-based.

Bad Piggies features the same green pigs you were probably trying to knock down inAngry Birds, and the same UI sensibilities. However this time, your goal is to build a vehicle to propel your pig through an obstacle course, collecting crates and stars along the way.?

If you enjoyed the physics element in Rovio's other app Amazing Alex, then Bad Piggies will leave you hooked. Personally, I found it frustratingly difficult and switched to the brainless Angry Birds for a break.

At the start of each level you're given a toolbox of items?wooden boxes (identical to the ones in Angry Birds obstacles), umbrellas, balloons, wheels, and more?from which you can build a vehicle that ideally takes your pig through all the stars and points-based items in your landscape. You swipe to drag the items into a grid formation to build your vehicle, tap a checkmark, and watch your Rube Goldberg machine set off. You can redo a level as many times as you like. Just like in Angry Birds and Amazing Alex, you can earn one to three stars. One star will let you move on to the next level, and there are 90 in all, though most of you will probably aim for a perfect score.

Bad Piggies is slow-moving, even slower than Rovio's other physics game, Amazing Alex. The vehicles roll through landscapes rather slowly (compared to flung Angry Birds, anyway) so if you need to rebuild your vehicle, it can take several minutes finishing a level. That's a long time in casual gaming land. If you simply can't figure out how to build the right vehicle, you can power up by tapping Hire a Mechanic (in Angry Birds the equivalent is the Mighty Eagle). A mechanic simply builds the contraption for you. You get 3 mechanics for free just by liking the Bad Piggies Facebook page, but after that you'll need to open your wallet. However, you can keep hiring mechanics, starting from $1.99 for ten.

I never made it to the four promised sandbox stages, which apparently let you use any sort of item to build a vehicle and collect crates.

Fun, But the Pigs Are No Birds
Bad Piggies is a high-quality game, but it won't replace Angry Birds. Instead of half-attentively catapulting birds like in the latter, Bad Piggies requires your complete attention to solve puzzle after puzzle. A lot of people try to draw comparisons to Angry Birds, but it's much more similar to Amazing Alex, and will appeal to the same crowd that would rather solve a puzzle than race to the finish line.

More Mobile Games Reviews:
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??? Hello Kitty Cafe (for Android)
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RIM to report 2Q amid wait for new BlackBerry

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

?2013 will be the year of the SEO?: an interview with Nathan Safran ...

Posted on 25. Sep, 2012 by Laura in Blog, case studies, Small Business Internet Marketing, Small Business Marketing, Tips and techniques

Today we are excited and honored to feature this interview with Nathan Safran, the Director of Research at Conductor, Inc.

Here, Nathan shares the results of Conductor?s latest research, predicting that ?2013 will be the year of the SEO? (conducted in concert with Search Engine Watch?s Jonathan Allen), as well as his take on the SEO/search scene as a whole?

So in conjunction with Search Engine Watch?s Jonathan Allen, your research via Conductor indicates that 2013 will be the year of the SEO.

What would you say are the most significant findings of your study supporting that prediction?

The way we approached the study is to draw an analog from how economists measure the economy.

It?s a large and complicated entity and economists use a variety of ?economic indicators? such as housing starts, interest rates, money supply and more, which, taken together, give them a holistic view of the state of the entity.? These indicators should, in theory, give us a view of both the current state of the economy, and at least directionally, an idea of where we can expect to see it head going forward.

The SEO industry can itself be a large and complicated entity with many factors impacting our success or failure in the SERPs.

We applied similar thinking to measuring the state of SEO by identifying a variety of ?economic indicators? that, taken together, could give us a holistic measure of the state of SEO, today, and directionally, going forward.

Our ?economic indicators? included things like the headcount organizations are allocating to SEO, SEO budget allocation, where in the organization search marketers are positioned, how familiar executives now are with search metrics, and more.

We surveyed 616 Marketers on Search Engine Watch in August 2012, and our sample ended up being a good mix of larger and smaller companies, and we heard from a mix of in-house SEO professionals, agency practitioners and consultants.

Overall, the research findings showed that across every ?economic indicator? we looked at, SEO is maturing in the organization.? That is, marketers are allocating increased budget, and headcount to SEO, they are utilizing advanced technology more, and natural search metrics have permeated the organization and are influencing business strategy more than ever before.

One of the most interesting findings to come out of the research was that the second most common place in the organization for Search is now in its own department.

As SEO has matured as a discipline and as organizations are recognizing the significance of search as a sales and marketing channel they are increasingly placing search in its own department.? Arguably, this is one of the most significant ?economic indicators? in the maturation of search in the organization.

Here are some key findings from the study:

? The second most common place (16%) for search in the organization is now in its own department

? 6 out of 10 organizations expect to increase SEO headcount in the coming year

? 63% of executive teams are more familiar with SEO metrics than 12 months ago

? 65% of respondents say natural search is influencing revenue strategy more than 12 months ago

=> Although there are certainly still challenges for SEO professionals, taken together we think the research spells out a very exciting time for SEO in the coming year!

Jonathan Allen, the director of Search Engine Watch and my partner in this study, also wrote up a post about the key findings via SEOs Expect ROI, Headcounts & Influence to Increase in 2013 at Conductor #C3NY (at SEW).


As Director of Research for Conductor, you have first-hand knowledge of ? and insight into ? the SEO/search industry. What would you say are the most influential factors defining the industry now?

I?d summarize it as ?the industry is growing up?.

The industry is coming from a place where the search marketer was the tech guy/gal in the basement tweaking meta tags, and now we see search in its own department in the organization, with increased budget and headcount.

From our perspective in enterprise SEO at Conductor, we see this in a number of ways where, now, companies are sending us RFP?s for an enterprise SEO platform, the conversations with marketers are changing where executives are now well-versed with the opportunities in natural search and search metrics are increasingly being utilized across the organization.

Another way the industry is ?growing up? is many of the old tactics that used to work no longer do or have had their efficacy reduced as Google increasingly focuses on quality and eliminating spam.

Part of this is about them cleaning up the search results, but part of it is about deterrence as many who might have considered engaging in gray tactics may be increasingly reluctant to do so as the threat of a major penalty looms.

Finally, a third way this is happening is that the SERPs themselves are evolving as digital assets, social, and local results are increasingly found in the search results.

All told I see search as an industry that is increasingly growing up and evolving into a discipline where the tools, people and publications are increasingly evolving and becoming more sophisticated.


Google?s updates have been rolling out for some time now and creating a lot of industry buzz with each new wave. What is your take on Google?s quest for quality w/Panda (and Penguin)?

I think there?s a lot of cynical stuff out there as to Google?s motives with the changes, and while I don?t want to imply their motives for everything they do are 100% altruistic, I do think that the moves towards quality in the search results have both been necessary and in many ways good for the industry.

There?s a sink or swim element that has emerged, where brands have been pushed toward creating quality content, following best practices in on-page optimization and taking a long-term view of their search marketing efforts that did not exist even a few short years ago.

If this leads to more relevant results in the search pages (and I think it has although there?s still definitely room for improvement) then ultimately that?s a good thing.


We?ve seen a bunch of Conductor?s research covered in some of the major industry publications over the last 12-18 months. To what do you attribute some of the success you have had in putting SEO related content out there?

Although my handsome mug :) is featured on our columns on Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Land, the Conductor blog, and the studies we publish, I have a fantastic team at Conductor ?Jen Robustelli and Billy Lam?without whom none of it would be possible.? We work together on pretty much everything we do from idea development through post production to social media promotion in order to publish our content.

And, Conductor?s senior leadership deserves a great deal of credit for any success we have had.? When CEO Seth Besmertnik and VP, Marketing and Product Seth Dotterer first brought me over from Forrester Research more than three years ago, in doing so, they recognized that there was a place in the SEO industry to publish unique and quality research that everyone in the industry could benefit from.? It is to their credit and ongoing commitment that we?ve been able to achieve some success.

Although many are (justifiably) skeptical about bias from research coming from an industry player, to their credit, from day one, they created a separation between church and state that persists to this day and gave me license (and resources) to create unbiased research and thought leadership.


About Nathan Safran

Nathan Safran is the Director of Research for Conductor, Inc., the leading enterprise SEO technology company based in New York and creators of Searchlight, the leading enterprise SEO platform.?Since joining the company in August of 2009, Nathan has established Conductor as a publisher of cutting edge SEO research and thought leadership.

Nathan authors insightful research on trends in the natural search industry that have been widely covered in authoritative industry publications such as Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, and MarketingProfs.? Nathan also writes a monthly column for Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch, and regularly publishes data-driven posts on the Conductor blog.

Prior to joining Conductor, Nathan was an Analyst at Forrester Research in their Consumer Product Strategy Group.

You can find Nathan on Twitter via @Nathan_Safran.

Editor?s note: you can find out much more about Jonathan Allen and his role as Director of Search Engine Watch via my 2-part interview with him:

photo thanks to BeaGasteiz1 (Beatriz)


Make sure you pick up your copy of our FREE Business Acceleration Report! Simply enter your info on the form to the right and I'll send it right out! -->> Thanks for visiting!

Tags: SEO expert interview, Small Business Internet Marketing


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Obama warns Iran on nuclear bid, containment "no option"

NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will warn Iran on Tuesday that the United States will "do what we must" to prevent it acquiring a nuclear weapon, and appeal to world leaders for a united front against further attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions in Muslim countries.

Preparing to take the podium at the United Nations six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, Obama hopes to counter criticism of his foreign record by Republican rival Mitt Romney, who has accused him of mishandling the Arab Spring uprisings, damaging ties with Israel and not being tough enough on Iran.

Seeking to step up pressure on Iran, Obama will tell the U.N. General Assembly that there is still time for a diplomacy but that "time is not unlimited," according to advance excerpts of his speech, due to begin sometime around 1315 GMT.

His tough talk appears aimed at easing Israeli concerns about U.S. resolve to curb Tehran's nuclear drive, as he reasserts before the world body that he will never let Iran develop an atomic bomb and then simply contain the problem.

But he will stop short of meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's demand to set a clear "red line" that Iran must not cross if it is to avoid military action.

"A nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained," he will say. "It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations and the stability of the global economy ...

"The United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

Obama is also seeking to reassure voters that he is doing everything he can to head off any more violence like the September 11 attack in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three of his colleagues.


A wave of Muslim anger over a crude anti-Islam video made in California has swept the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Americans were stunned by images of U.S. flags again burning in the Muslim world, the focus of intense personal diplomacy by the president at the start of his term.

"The attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded," Obama will tell the assembled world leaders.

This eruption of violence has confronted Obama with the worst setback yet in his efforts to keep the Arab Spring revolutions from turning against the United States - and has demonstrated that he has few easy options.

In his speech, he has the delicate task of articulating U.S. distaste for insults to any religion while at the same time insisting there is no excuse for a violent reaction - a distinction rejected by many Muslims.

The crisis has exposed a deep divide over the issues of free speech and blasphemy at a time when Islamist forces are in the political ascendant in the Middle East after several veteran dictators were ousted.

"Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations," Obama will say.

Obama is not expected to offer detailed solutions to an array of crises that threaten to chip away at a foreign policy record that his aides hoped would be immune from Republican attack.


With campaign pressures building in a close race, Obama's final turn on the world stage before facing voters has left little doubt about his immediate priorities.

He skipped the customary one-on-one meetings with foreign counterparts but went ahead with the taping of a campaign-style appearance on the popular television talk-show "The View" - a trade-off that drew Republican criticism.

Obama planned to be in and out of New York in 24 hours and off to the election battleground state of Ohio on Wednesday.

Despite Obama's international woes, administration officials are heartened by Romney's own recent foreign policy stumbles and doubt that the president's critics will gain traction in a campaign that remains focused mainly on the U.S. economy.

In addition, the White House never tires of touting the killing of Osama bin Laden and the ending of the Iraq war as Obama's foreign policy accomplishments.

Nevertheless, the unsettled climate surrounding Obama's U.N. visit will be a stark reminder that the heady optimism that greeted him when he took office, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize within months, has now cooled.

Obama's early overtures to Iran were rejected, and the expansion of Tehran's nuclear program, which it says is purely peaceful, has created tension between Washington and Israel, which sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence.

Netanyahu has indicated impatience over Obama's entreaties to hold off on attacking Iran's nuclear sites to give sanctions and diplomacy more time to work.

Underscoring the depth of the problem, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in New York on Monday that Israel had no roots in the Middle East and would be "eliminated."

The White House dismissed his comments as "disgusting."

Despite that, the unusually public dispute between the United States and Israel has been exacerbated by Obama's decision not to meet with Netanyahu on his U.S. visit later this week, a move that risks alienating some pro-Israel voters.

Signaling resentment at Netanyahu's tactics, Obama told CBS's "60 Minutes" he would ignore "noise that's out there."

(Editing by Kevin Liffey)


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fatal bombing at Nigerian church

BAUCHI: A suicide car bomber has blown himself up outside a Catholic church in a remote part of northern Nigeria, killing himself and at least two other people and wounding several more.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Islamist sect Boko Haram has claimed several attacks on churches this year


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Comments - Finance

Posted by Leon LaBrecque, September 25, 2012

I remember one of the first times I saw The Weather Channel. I thought it was neat. I waited until the ?local weather on the 8s? and changed the channel. Strange business model, I thought. Who will watch it for more than 10 minutes? Then I found myself watching more and more, especially the shows about storms. I suppose it?s just human nature to be fascinated with disaster and destruction. I am particularly intrigued by the projection as the storms form in the ocean, build strength and then wreak their fury. It?s possible we have a triad of storms for the remainder of 2012, with the ?storm of the century? hitting on the exact dates of December 31, 2012, and January 1, 2013.

Storm One: Europe. Europe is by no means a new problem, nor is it an unknown problem (Greece, for example, has been in default on its debt for the majority of the years it has been an independent country). The problem of course, is that certain members are forced to bail out or assist other members to keep the stability of the Union. If the EU were created today, they probably would have instituted a common currency and a common debt, instead of allowing sovereign debt amongst members. To paraphrase John Maudlin of Millennium Wave, we have three disasters:

Disaster One: Everyone buckles down. The Greeks pay their taxes, the Spanish impose austerity, the Germans provide the funds, and the Union strengthens and works its problems out. This is a long-term ?good? solution, and a short term painful solution. It will probably cause a mild recession in Europe.

Disaster Two: The EU falls apart. The Greeks leave the EU, potentially followed by others. The remaining members either form a ?Euro Lite? or go back to their Marks, Francs, Liras and Pesetas. I think this is disastrous and would cause a serious widespread problem. Economic output would likely fall an average of 10%, unemployment would soar and inflation would rise.

Disaster Three: Nothing happens. In this most likely scenario, the whole thing keeps muddling down the current path of rhetoric and band-aid solutions. Greece keeps running out of money, the Germans keep paying it; the French tax their citizens, who protest, and so forth. No real solution until growth lifts all the boats. Continued uncertainty in sues.

Storm Two: Iran. Iran is also not a new problem. The Iranians are desperately seeking to enrich uranium to weapon-grade. The Israelis and the US (and most of the rest of the world) are desperately trying to stop them. The showdown is moving to the old west movies where the gunfighters are starting to walk down the street of the town. Three potential disasters loom:

Disaster One: Iran builds a nuke. I would pose that a nuclear armed Iran would be unstable and dangerous under its current regime?bad economically and otherwise.

Disaster Two: Israel (US) does a preemptive strike. In the world?s worst-kept secret (to the extent the CIA has published a map of the targets), Israel, fully assisted by the US, hits the Iranian nuclear sites and destroys the Iranian nuclear capacity.

Disaster Three: The AC/DC non-solution. In July, some mysterious computer virus hit the Iranian computer system, shut down the centrifuges, and then blared the rock song ?Thunderstruck? by AC/DC. It didn?t stop anything, but it slowed it down. The idea here is keep making it expensive, keep wasting their time, and they will either give up or somebody new will take over and give it up.

The Storm of the Century: The Cliff. The scariest of the storms, the one that puts a gleam in the eye of the Weather Channel boys, is the monster storm forming at the end of the year. This storm has four or possibly five ?legs? that form a cell of enormous magnitude. The legs are:

  • The expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts (12/31/12), which raise taxes by an average of 17% on all taxpayers, and very adversely raise taxes on working parents and high income investors (think over 70% increase). Tag about $285 billion in tax increases on individuals, about $75 billion on businesses, the old ugly estate tax, and you have the biggest tax increase in history.
  • The expiration of the payroll tax ?holiday? (12/31/12), or the 2% temporary cut in Social Security taxes. This increases taxes another $127 billion.
  • The new UIMC tax (01/01/13) on unearned income that was added in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This adds a 3.8% tax on interest, dividends and capital gains on unearned income for taxpayers with income over $250,000 ($200,000 if single). $24 billion more.
  • The Budget Sequestration Cuts (01/01/13) take a sledgehammer and immediately knock off $109 billion in Federal spending.
  • And a fifth leg, if you like it, is the expiration of the debt ceiling in or around February of 2013.

So the storm is three significant tax increases, which can cut consumption, which will cut profits, which will slow down hiring; plus federal budget cuts, which will cause unemployment, which may forestall spending; plus the government may not be able to borrow to pay its bills. In total, the number is daunting: about $817 billion of tax increases and cuts. Historically, this is the biggest tax increase in absolute dollars ever. At 5% of GDP, it?s also the biggest tax increase/spending cut in relative terms since 1942.

What?s also scary is that all of these things happen automatically: Congress and the President must act to have them NOT happen. Given the animosity and vitriol in Washington, a smooth solution seems unlikely. In addition, the election is on November 6th, so it seems further unlikely anything would happen until the lame duck session. You can game this out, but if we have a new president, the old one may not be amenable to fixing the cliff. The three scenarios again:

Disaster One: They fix part of it. This is a hopeful solution; they may extend most of the Bush Tax Cuts, and make some budget changes, maybe let the payroll holiday expire?storm semi-averted.

Disaster Two: We sail off the cliff. At least temporarily, huge tax increases (don?t get me started on AMT) and budget cuts will cut GDP, and probably change consumer behavior (a 17% increase in taxes will decrease spending). In the longer run, the $817 billion goes farther than any of the politicians had dreamed of, raises taxes and cuts spending, pushing us closer to a balanced budget, but at the cost of a recession. If we go off the cliff and don?t fix the cliff fast, I see the only logical outcome is a recession.

Disaster Three: They kick the can down the road. Somewhere right around the end of the year, like December 21st, Congress could move the expirations and effective dates out a year or two. We can then sit on pins and needles for another couple of years.

The Weather Channel can have a field day with this. In this case, unlike other storms, such as the subprime crisis, or even my first two Storms, we know the absolute date and time of landfall. We can tie a cartoon of $817 billion dollars to the ball in Times Square and watch it fall with the ending of 2012.

As for me, I?d rather watch this storm from a safe harbor. We?ve cut our equity positions 50%, and will wait out that portion in short term corporate bond funds or ETFs.

On the other hand, the Mayan calendar indicates that the world will end on 12/21/12. Maybe I?m worrying too much about money.

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Report: Yemeni women worse off after revolution

Protestors chant slogans during a rally to commemorate the one year anniversary of the people who were killed in clashes with Yemeni government forces in Sanaa, Yemen, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012. Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of protesters in the capital one year ago pushing for ouster of longtime ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh, killing several people and wounding dozens. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)

Protestors chant slogans during a rally to commemorate the one year anniversary of the people who were killed in clashes with Yemeni government forces in Sanaa, Yemen, Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012. Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of protesters in the capital one year ago pushing for ouster of longtime ruler Ali Abdullah Saleh, killing several people and wounding dozens. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)

SANAA, Yemen (AP) ? Women in Yemen are worse off now than a year ago, when they played a significant part in the country's revolution that promised political and economic change, an international aid agency has concluded.

In a report released Monday, Oxfam International said four out of five Yemeni women claim their lives have worsened over the past 12 months. Faced with an intensifying humanitarian crisis, which has left a quarter of women between the ages of 15 and 49 acutely malnourished, they say they're struggling to feed their families and are unable to participate in the country's transition.

"The food crisis is the biggest impediment," said Sultana Begum, an Oxfam humanitarian policy advisor who authored the report. "How do you expect people to participate in this very important process which is going to decide the future of a country . when they're focused on day-to-day survival?"

The United Nations' World Food Program says 10 million Yemenis, nearly half the population, do not have enough food to eat. The crisis is blamed on a number of factors, including soaring food and fuel prices in the past year. Markets in cities and villages are brimming with fruits, vegetables and meat, but private organizations say the food is not affordable to people who are grappling with high unemployment, unrest and internal conflicts that have displaced families.

Many have sold off their land and livestock, pulled their kids out of school and resorted to other desperate measures to make ends meet. Oxfam said more parents are marrying off their daughters early, some as young as 12, and sending their sons across the Saudi Arabian border to smuggle qat, the narcotic leaf.

"I've been to villages where mothers have lost their children and they say it's because they couldn't feed them properly; it's because of the hunger," said Caroline Gluck, an Oxfam spokeswoman in Sanaa, the capital.

The report, which surveyed 136 women across Yemen in July and August, also says the majority of women asserted they felt less safe than a year ago. They cited concern over the proliferation of small arms; gun battles in the streets of Sanaa; and the risk of sexual assault. In camps for internally displaced individuals, such as in Haradh in the north, women said pressures from current crises have led to higher levels of domestic violence.

Displaced women also said they felt unsafe returning to their homes in provinces like Abyan to the south, where the government recaptured areas from al-Qaida militants this summer. In addition, women said there was a lack of protection provided to them by police and other security authorities.

On the political front, women were emboldened after last year's uprisings, but now claim they are feeling "sidelined by the transition process and say they have been shut out of decision-making by political parties and the government," the report said.

Some of those interviewed said there should be quotas to include women in parliament and committees overseeing the transition in the new government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who replaced ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh in February.

Oxfam officials said they've had to scale back some of their relief efforts, which include cash distribution to needy families, because of a lack of funding. Among the recommendations in the report, they're asking the Friends of Yemen, scheduled to meet in New York this week, to immediately allocate humanitarian aid to hit the ground. Donors in the group have pledged $6.4 billion, but Oxfam says there needs to be more transparency in tracking where the money goes.

"Right now, Yemen is mired in a quagmire of a humanitarian crisis, it can't pull its way out at the moment and it desperately needs more money," Gluck said.

Associated Press


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