Friday, May 31, 2013

Besieged Syria rebels seek help, Assad eyes missiles

By Erika Solomon and Mariam Karouny

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian rebels under siege near the Lebanese border pleaded for help on Thursday against government troops and their Hezbollah allies as a confident President Bashar al-Assad spoke of having new Russian missiles.

Though Moscow contradicted suggestions he had taken delivery of an entire, long-range S-300 anti-aircraft system which alarms Israel, Russia's plan to send them highlighted the international confrontation brewing over Syria, even as Moscow and Washington work together for a peace conference between the warring sides.

With Iran and its Lebanese partner Hezbollah also rallying to Assad's defense and his Western-backed Syrian opponents mired in squabbles, the president was quoted sounding confident of his position at home and abroad. He would attend talks in Geneva, he said, but he expected to keep fighting the revolt.

Among his enemies on the battlefield, rebels in the besieged border town of Qusair warned that it could be wiped off the map and hundreds of their wounded might die if no help came soon.

"The town is surrounded and there's no way to bring in medical aid," Malek Ammar, an opposition activist in the town, told Reuters over an Internet link, adding that about 100 of the 700 wounded needed bottled oxygen to keep breathing.

"What we need them to do," he said of other rebel units, "is come to the outskirts of the city and attack the checkpoints so we can get routes in and out of the city.

There was little immediate sign, however, of military relief or of a negotiated settlement that might end the fighting.

Harsh words from Moscow against the Syrian opposition's insistence on Assad's removal as a precondition for talks, and Russian criticism of Washington for considering a no-fly zone to help the rebels, underlined the geopolitical stakes in the war.

An exchange of fire across the Turkish border on Thursday was a reminder that all Syria's neighbors risk being sucked in to a regional conflict.

Rebels at Qusair and comrades encircled near Damascus, who also appealed for reinforcements, face shortages of weapons. Fears of the Islamists in the rebel ranks have deterred Western powers from supplying them, despite wanting to see Assad fall.

The result, after two years of fighting and more than 80,000 deaths, has been an increasingly sectarian stalemate in which Assad has lost control of swathes of territory but remains in power. Taking back Qusair would help secure access from Damascus to the coastline populated by his minority fellow Alawites.

For the rebels, mostly drawn from the Sunni Muslim majority, Qusair secures supply lines from sympathizers in Lebanon and from further afield, notably Sunni-ruled states in the Gulf.


In a statement, the rebel commanders at Qusair warned of dire consequences if help fails to arrive for men who have been fighting house to house for over a week against a force armed with tanks and rocket-launchers and spearheaded by Lebanese fighters from Hezbollah, seasoned in a 2006 war against Israel:

"If all rebel fronts do not move to stop this crime being led by Hezbollah and Assad's traitorous army of dogs ... we will soon be saying that there was once a city called Qusair."

Shells were landing by the minute and the attackers seemed to be advancing more quickly after seizing a nearby air base.

Elsewhere, rebels blockaded in eastern suburbs of Damascus known as eastern Ghouta appealed for help on Facebook, saying Assad's forces were "preparing to commit more massacres".

They pointedly said they held not just fellow guerrilla units responsible for coming to their aid but also the Syrian National Coalition, whose exile members have spent a week arguing in Istanbul over how to present a common front at the talks Washington and Moscow are trying to arrange in Geneva.

An attempt to heal rifts between Islamist and liberal wings of the opposition by offering liberals more seats on the exile body that Arab and Western powers want to form a transitional government failed to mend fences with fighters inside Syria.

Despite an offer by the Sunni Islamists who dominate the Coalition to give a liberal bloc more seats, the haggling continued, to the frustration of Turkey, Gulf Arab states and Western diplomats who have hoped that the body can use the peace conference to start taking responsibilities.

Inside Syria, the body which groups very diverse fighting units issued its own response, demanding that it be granted half the seats in the Coalition - a reflection of persistent mistrust between fighters and exiles.


Russia, an ally of Damascus since the Cold War when Assad's late father was in power, scoffed at the opposition's demands for a deadline to secure the president's removal as a condition for them attending the talks. Russian, U.S. and U.N. officials will hold a planning meeting next Wednesday.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Coalition seemed to be "doing everything they can to prevent a political process from starting ... and achieve military intervention".

"We consider such approaches unacceptable," he said, referring to rebel pleas for Western weapons which persuaded Britain and France this week to end an EU arms embargo.

His ministry also chided Washington for keeping open the possibility of imposing a no-fly zone. It said that "cast doubt on the sincerity of the desire of some of our ... partners for success in international efforts" to end the war.

Rivalry between Russia and Western powers has deadlocked previous international efforts to end the fighting but fears that the conflict was spreading - notably with Israel bombing Syria, Iranian-backed Hezbollah declaring it would fight for Assad and reports of troops using chemical weapons - prompted Washington and Moscow to launch the joint call for a conference.

In a television interview not yet broadcast but quoted by a Lebanese newspaper, Assad said he planned to go to the "Geneva 2" meeting but was unconvinced of a fruitful outcome.

He underlined the extent of international resources he can call on, despite Western sanctions, by saying Syria had received a first shipment of S-300 missiles from Russia under a deal signed before the conflict and which Israel fears could pose a threat to aviation over its own airspace.

A source close to Russia's defense ministry said, however, that the "hardware itself" had yet to be delivered to Syria, where Moscow has a Mediterranean naval base. But, the source added, "certain parts of the contract may have been fulfilled".

The United States has urged Russia not to supply the system. As with Assad's existing stocks of heavy weaponry, including chemical warheads, neighboring states are concerned not only that the existing government might use them but that they could fall into the hands of militant groups fighting to remove it.

(Additional reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Istanbul, Jonathon Burch and Humeyra Pamuk in Ankara and Steve Gutterman, Alissa de Carbonnel and Thomas Grove in Moscow; Writing by Alastair Macdonald; Editing by David Stamp)


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From NES to Xbox One, How The Big Three Described Their Consoles

What do you call the box that plugs into the TV and plays games? "Game console"? Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have been changing the terms they use for their Entertainment Systems, PlayStations, and Xboxes ever so slightly, ever so purposefully, for two decades. Have a look.

Let's start with Nintendo.

Kotaku researcher extraordinaire Andr?s Neltz has helped pull press releases for each of Nintendo's six game console releases. We've added emphasis so you can see the important stuff.

From NES to Xbox One, How The Big Three Described Their ConsolesS

Back in the '80s, Nintendo starts with a faint effort to describe themselves as not making a game console. They then commit to admitting they're making a game machine for the next five generations.

NEW YORK, October 14, 1985 ? Nintendo of America Inc., the American subsidiary of the Japanese electronic games manufacturer, has introduced a home video entertainment system that includes an interactive video robot and the Zapper light sensing video gun. The Nintendo Entertainment System includes a Control Deck, two Controllers, R.O.B., the video robot, the Zapper and two game packs - Gyromite and Duck Hunt.

REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 9, 1991 ? Following nearly three weeks of hectic shipping activity from its Redmond headquarters, Nintendo of America Inc. Monday announced that its 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Super NES) is now available in stores nationwide. The new home video game system joins Nintendo's portable Game Boy and the Nintendo Entertainment System as the third in the company's record-breaking entertainment product line-up.

REDMOND, Wash., Sept. 30, 1996?Meeting overwhelming consumer demand, Nintendo of America Inc. today launched Nintendo 64, the world's first 64-bit home video game system, to the U.S. market at a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of $ 199.95(a). Expected to be the number-one selling home video game system this holiday season, and one of the nation's top 10 "most wanted" gifts on children's holiday wish lists, Nintendo projects it will sell its entire supply, more than one million Nintendo 64 units, in North America over the next six months.

REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 15, 2001 ? If you're creeping through a harrowing haunted house in search of your missing brother...facing off against a turtle-back behemoth high atop a castle...or directing the actions of a hundred miniature sprouts across the floor of a mountainside know you've finally entered the innovative, one-of-a-kind realm of NINTENDO GAMECUBE(TM). On Sunday, Nov. 18, video game players will find themselves immersed in the incomparable game play offered by the world's only new single-purpose video game console, as 700,000 NINTENDO GAMECUBE systems go on sale across the country.

REDMOND, Wash., November 16, 2006 ? Nintendo's new Wii(TM) video game system not only changes how people play games, but redefines how they interact with both the system and their televisions. With the Wii Menu, Nintendo offers a gateway to new experiences through a collection of interactive channels people can use to customize their gaming and entertainment options.

REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 16, 2012 ? Nintendo's Wii U? console ? the first new home video game system in six years ? arrives on Nov. 18, aiming to change the landscape of games and entertainment with its new Wii U GamePad controller. With more than 30 launch-day games for all types of players, Wii U arrives just in time for the holidays and is poised to be the must-have gift of the season.

From NES to Xbox One, How The Big Three Described Their ConsolesS

Here's Sony, spanning four generations, declaring themselves the maker of a game system, then backing off before finally returning to that claim this year:

FOSTER CITY, Calif., Sept. 7, 1995?Months of anticipation will culminate this Saturday, Sept. 9, with the formal introduction and availability of the Sony PlayStation, the highly-anticipated video game system that is the $ 5.2 billion industry's most auspicious debut of the decade.

FOSTER CITY, Calif., September 27, 2000 ? As the company prepares to release the highly-anticipated PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system in the North American market, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today the schedule of launch activities to support the biggest consumer electronics launch in history.

Los Angeles, CALIF., May 16, 2005 ? At a press conference held in Los Angeles, California, today, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) revealed the outline of its PLAYSTATION?3 (PS3) computer entertainment system, incorporating the world?s most advanced Cell processor with super computer like power.

New York, February 20, 2013 ? Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today introduced PlayStation?4 (PS4?), its next-generation gaming platform for the home, alongside the videogame industry's brightest and most creative minds at PlayStation?Meeting 2013.

From NES to Xbox One, How The Big Three Described Their ConsolesS

Microsoft technically always acknowledged games, but there's this other term that crept its way in...

REDMOND, Wash., Nov. 15, 2001 ? Today the Microsoft? Xbox? video game system rocks the continent with its arrival on store shelves at thousands of retailers across North America.

REDMOND, Wash. ? Nov. 21, 2005 ? In less than 24 hours, gamers and adrenaline junkies alike will converge on thousands of retail outlets to be among the first to purchase the Xbox 360? next-generation video game and entertainment system from Microsoft Corp. Droves of dedicated fans are expected to line the streets as more than 4,500 retailers open their doors at 12:01 a.m. to answer the demand for the Xbox 360 console and 18 launch games, including ?Perfect Dark Zero?,? ?Project Gotham Racing? 3? and ?Kameo?: Elements of Power?,? from Microsoft Game Studios.

REDMOND, Wash. ? May 21, 2013 ? A new vision for the future comes to life today as Microsoft Corp. unveils Xbox One, the all-in-one gaming and entertainment system created for today and the next generation. At Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Wash., the company showcased how Xbox One puts you at the center of all your games, TV, movies, music, sports and Skype.


That may not explain everything there is to know about Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft's game console ambitions, but the essence of this seems right: Nintendo is gaming-centric, Sony has flirted with being the same and Microsoft's wanted to make an entertainment set-top box for quite some time.

But can't anyone just say they're making a game console? Anyone???

July 10, 2012 - OUYA is a new game console for the TV, powered by Android. We've packed this little box full of power. Developers will have access to OUYA's open design so they can produce their games for the living room, taking advantage of everything the TV has to offer.

Oh, okay. Thanks, Ouya.

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @stephentotilo.

Photo: Stephen Brashear/Invision/AP


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Sending humans to Mars holds radiation risk, study shows

A radiation-monitoring device carried by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took measurements during the trip to the red planet. A resulting study appears in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / May 30, 2013

This July 2007 image provided by NASA shows astronaut Clay Anderson waving during a spacewalk outside the International Space Station. A trip to and from the red planet could expose travelers to an accumulated dose of radiation that would approach ? and in some cases exceed ? the maximum allowable career limits for a NASA astronaut.



For any astronaut tapped for a trip to Mars, a journey today would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience ? in more ways than one.

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With shielding comparable to the level built into NASA's new crew-exploration vehicle (CEV), just the trip to and from the red planet could expose travelers to an accumulated dose of radiation that would approach ? and in some cases exceed ? the maximum allowable career limits for a NASA astronaut.

The Europeans, Russians, and Canadians accept a somewhat more liberal exposure limit than the National Aeronautics and Space Administration does. Even at that limit, Mars would probably represent a memorable but one-and-done spaceflight career for any prospective astronaut.

Those are among the implications of measurements taken by a radiation-monitoring device that NASA's Mars rover Curiosity carries. The measurements were taken during Curiosity's 253-day, 347-million-mile trip to the red planet. The data were unveiled Thursday in a study set to appear in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

"NASA is very excited to get this new cruise data," said Eddie Semones, radiation health officer at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston during a briefing Thursday to discuss the results. The data also will help shape human-exploration missions other than to Mars, he adds, noting that missions to retrieve asteroids or even missions to the moon will benefit from the information the new results provide.

Scientists and engineers long have recognized radiation in space as perhaps the most significant challenge to exploration beyond low-Earth orbit, where Earth's magnetic field acts as a natural deflector shield.

The hazard has spawned a range of studies on how to deal with the risk, ranging from concepts for spacecraft that can generate protective magnetic fields to individual body armor for astronauts.

To date, researchers had gathered "outdoor" radiation measurements on a wide variety of robotic spacecraft visiting comets, asteroids, and other planets. The detectors on these missions were exposed to space by design, so they could measure radiation levels around a planet or in interplanetary space.

Curiosity's device, the Radiation Assessment Detector, is bolted to the rover's deck to measure surface radiation on Mars. So, like the rover, RAD was cocooned within the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft during its trip. Thus, its en route measurements provide the first data from within an interplanetary spacecraft and with a level of shielding that the first Mars explorers might receive from their craft.

The study comes at a time when two private groups are aiming to send humans to Mars long before any NASA astronauts are sent ? a prospect the Obama administration and the agency envision taking place after 2030.

In March, a group headed by Dennis Tito, the first space tourist to visit the International Space Station, announced the goal of sending two people on a 501-day fly-around mission to Mars, launching in 2018. The mission, Inspiration Mars, is a one-off attempt at inspiring a new generation of space explorers as well as providing NASA with information on technological, physiological, and psychological issues that no Earth-bound Mars analog station can deliver.

Earlier, a nonprofit group based in the Netherlands announced an effort to set up the first permanent human settlement on Mars in 2023.

The radiation that the new study examines ? actually speedy, electrically charged particles such as protons and ions ? comes from two sources.

The sun sends out a constant stream of protons in a feature called the solar wind. The wind is punctuated by solar storms, ranging from flares to enormous coronal-mass ejections ? the most powerful eruptions the sun delivers. The protons from these storms travel with higher energies than the solar wind and so represent the biggest particle-radiation risk from the sun, the RAD researchers say.

The second source is the galaxy itself, which bathes a spacecraft in low but persistent levels of energetic particles known as galactic cosmic rays. These are generated when massive stars explode as supernovae or in other high-energy cosmic events. About 85 percent of the cosmic rays are protons, another 14 percent are helium ions, and the remaining 1 percent consists of heavier ions.

Heavy-ion collisions can have an influence larger than their small proportion would suggest because when these smack into a spaceship, they create a shower of secondary particles that can inflict biological damage. However, estimates of the level of damage carry large uncertainties.


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Thursday, May 30, 2013

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Promise of central bank support lifts world shares

By Richard Hubbard

LONDON (Reuters) - Investors seized on clear pledges of policy support from Japanese and European central banks on Tuesday to drive world shares higher, sending the yen down sharply against the dollar and boosting oil prices.

That put Wall Street on course for a higher open when trading resumes after Monday's Memorial Day holiday, reversing the trend that saw all three major stock indexes end last week in negative territory.

Heightened expectations the U.S. central bank could soon taper its stimulus programme unleashed turbulence across the markets last week, leaving it to central banks in Japan and Europe to reassure investors their liquidity taps remain open.

"There is still some nervousness, but investors are also feeling that equities are the best asset class," Keith Bowman, analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown,

Equity markets around the world hit their highest levels in many years this month due to the cheap funding from the Fed and other central banks. But the comments by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke suggesting a U.S. recovery could bring a shift in policy have made investors question prospects for further gains.

"We have had a significant move higher and now it's time for taking stock and deciding whether we continue to go higher or we are due a correction," Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets said.

The question is being asked most about the Japanese market, where the Nikkei stock index had reached a 5-1/2-year high before dropping 7.3 percent last Thursday - its largest one-day loss since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

The Nikkei steadied on Tuesday, ending 1.2 percent higher after long-serving board member Ryuzo Miyao said the Bank of Japan would fine-tune market operations to ensure its unprecedented easing campaign is not derailed.

European Central Bank officials also weighed in to help ease investor's nerves, sending the broad FTSE Eurofirst 300 index up 1.25 percent by midday, its best day in a month.

ECB Executive Board member Peter Praet said the bank could still cut interest rates further to stimulate the economy if needed. His comment echoed that of ECB Executive Board member Joerg Asmussen on Monday who said the loose policy would stay as long as necessary.

Tuesday's rebound took Germany's DAX up 1.2 percent to near recent record highs. In London, the FTSE 100 index was up 1.6 percent, led by banking stocks.

MSCI's world equity index had risen 0.4 percent by mid-morning, reversing four days of losses.


The dollar rose 1.0 percent to 102.00 yen, up more than a full yen from a two-week low of 100.66 hit on Friday. While against the Swiss franc, another currency seen as a safe haven, the dollar up 0.5 percent to 0.9675 francs.

"The yen and Swiss franc have dropped noticeably this morning, essentially because risk assets seem to be stabilising," said Societe Generale currency strategist Alvin Tan.

The euro was little changed at $1.2940 against the dollar, trading well within its recent range of $1.28-1.32.

Investors also turned away from German government bonds though the talk of future ECB rate cuts lent support. The yield on the 10-year bond was flat at 1.43 percent.

The rally in equity markets and signs of rising Middle East tension lifted oil prices sharply. U.S. crude futures gained 0.8 percent to $94.78 a barrel and Brent rose 1.5 percent to $104.16 a barrel.

"Oil has made gains today on the back of friendly equity markets," said Carsten Fritsch, senior oil analyst at Commerzbank in Frankfurt.

(Additional reporting by Atul Prakash and Anooja Debnath. Editing by Catherine Evans, John Stonestreet, Ron Askew)


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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Home Building Picks Up In Elk Grove | KTXL FOX40


The bidding war for many homes on the market has caused some buyers to consider new homes.? That seems to be reflected in the Madeira development just south of Elk Grove Boulevard, where several builders are cranking up home building efforts.

Tracy Saizan, an Elk Grove specialist with Keller Williams Real Estate, said buyers are being out bid by investors who are putting up cash.

?They have decided that maybe their best bet is to go to the new home divisions where the prices are high, but they don?t have to fight with other buyers to get into those homes,? said Saizan.

Taylor Morrison started building in the Madeira neighborhood five years ago and was able to weather the brunt of the recession, when sales came to a halt.? It purchased lots from other builders who gave up.? Now it?s poised to open its new Barcelos phase with 42 new homes, a dozen of which are already sold.

?We?ve been able to start presales right before the models even opened,? said Pierrette Tierney, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Taylor Morrison.

She says the company has been busy, sometimes having difficulties finding skilled labor as it ramps up its new home building.

Tierney says the new home buying process is relatively clean compared to buying an existing home.? They can lock in financing, which they can get from the builder, and then pick out custom features before their home is built.

While there are fears that the jump in home prices is artificial, some believe that interest rates and the desire to buy before prices go up too much plays a big role in deciding to buy.

?If they continue to stay under that 4% mark I think buyers will keep on buying and try to buy before the prices continue up even more,? said Saizan.


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Canada's Flaherty: No 'doom and gloom' in Canada housing market

Canada's Finance Minister Jim Flaherty arrives for the Global Investment Conference 2013 in London

Canada's Finance Minister Jim Flaherty arrives for the Global Investment Conference 2013 in London

OTTAWA (Reuters) - There's no "doom and gloom" in Canada's housing market, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said on Monday, suggesting he sees a soft landing rather than a U.S.-style collapse as demand and prices cool.

"When I look at the housing market, I'm looking for the 'doom and gloom.' I don't see the 'doom and gloom,'" Flaherty told reporters, referring to market players who predict Canada has a housing bubble on the verge of bursting.

"I see some moderation in demand. This is a good thing," Flaherty said.

Canada's housing market was red hot in the years following the 2008-09 recession. But it began cooling in the middle of 2012 in the wake of government moves to tighten mortgage lending rules.

Flaherty wished "bad luck" to any big U.S. hedge funds betting short-selling the Canadian market in the belief the housing market will crash, in hopes of making a profit.

Most economists in Canada are forecasting a gradual downturn in housing but there are a few outliers warning of a pending disaster given the record-high debt load of Canadian households at a time when interest rates can only go up.

(Reporting by Louise Egan; Editing by Nick Zieminski)


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7 charged in $6B online money-laundering case

Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, describes a chart showing the global interests of Liberty Reserve, during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. Arthur Budovsky,the founder of Liberty Reserve, was indicted in the United States along with six other people in a $6 billion money-laundering scheme described as "staggering" in its scope, authorities said Tuesday.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, describes a chart showing the global interests of Liberty Reserve, during a news conference in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. Arthur Budovsky,the founder of Liberty Reserve, was indicted in the United States along with six other people in a $6 billion money-laundering scheme described as "staggering" in its scope, authorities said Tuesday.(AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, addresses a news conference, in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. Arthur Budovsky,the founder of Liberty Reserve, was indicted in the United States along with six other people in a $6 billion money-laundering scheme described as "staggering" in its scope, authorities said Tuesday. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

NEW YORK (AP) ? Calling it perhaps the biggest money-laundering scheme in U.S. history, federal prosecutors charged seven people Tuesday with running what amounted to an online, underworld bank that handled $6 billion for drug dealers, child pornographers, identity thieves and other criminals around the globe.

The case was aimed at Liberty Reserve, a currency-transfer and payment-processing company based in Costa Rica that authorities say allowed customers to move money anonymously from one account to another via the Internet with almost no questions asked.

U.S. officials said the enterprise was staggering in scope: Over roughly seven years, Liberty Reserve processed 55 million illicit transactions worldwide for 1 million users, including 200,000 in the U.S.

The network "became the bank of choice for the criminal underworld," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in announcing the unsealing of an indictment against the defendants, including Liberty Revenue founder Arthur Budovsky, an American who renounced his U.S. citizenship after deciding to set up in Costa Rica.

Liberty Reserve allowed users to open accounts using fictitious names, including "Russian Hacker" and "Hacker Account." One person was registered under the name of "Joe Bogus" and the address "123 Fake Main Street" in "Completely Made Up City, New York."

"The coin of the realm was anonymity," Bharara said. "It was the opposite of a know-your-customer policy."

The network charged a 1 percent fee on transactions through "exchangers" ? middlemen who converted actual currency into virtual funds and then back into cash.

In the indictment, prosecutors called the network "one of the principal means by which cyber criminals around the world distribute, store and launder proceeds of their illegal activity ... including credit card fraud, identity theft, investment fraud, computer hacking, child pornography and narcotics trafficking."

They added: "The scope of the defendants' unlawful conduct is staggering."

Prosecutors said they believe it is the biggest money-laundering case the U.S. has ever seen.

Budovsky and another defendant, identified as Azzeddine el Amine, were arrested Friday at a Madrid airport while trying to return to Costa Rica, according to a Spanish court official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because court policy forbids him from speaking on the record. They were ordered jailed while they await a hearing on extradition to the U.S.

Authorities said three other people were arrested last week in New York City, including Liberty Reserve co-founder Vladimir Kats. Information about their arraignment was filed under seal. The two remaining defendants were at large in Costa Rica.

The names of the defendants' attorneys were not immediately available.

A notice pasted across Liberty Reserve's website Tuesday morning said the domain "has been seized by the United States Global Illicit Financial Team." Attempts to reach Liberty Reserve by phone and email were not immediately successful.

Budovsky and Kats have previous convictions on charges related to an unlicensed money-transmitting business, according to court papers. After that case, the pair decided to move their operation to Costa Rica, the papers said.

In an online chat captured by law enforcement, Kats admitted Liberty Reserve was illegal and noted that authorities in the United States knew it was "a money-laundering operation that hackers use."

While authorities described Liberty Reserve as being rife with criminals, the site's ease of use, low fees and irreversible transactions that deterred fraud also attracted legitimate users.

Mitchell Rossetti, whose Houston-based was one of several mainstream merchants that accepted Liberty Reserve's online-only currency, said his business still had about $28,000 tied up in Liberty Reserve accounts.

"The irony of this is I went to them because of the security," Rossetti said. "All sales were final."

He acknowledged that the currency was being used by scammers but said Liberty Reserve funds were just like any other currency: "The U.S. dollar can be donated to a church or it can pay a prostitute."

Liberty Reserve appears to have played an important role in laundering proceeds from the recent theft of some $45 million from two Middle Eastern banks, according to documents made public by U.S. authorities earlier this month. In that scheme, thieves stole debit card information and then used it to drain cash from thousands of ATMs around the world in a matter of hours.

As part of the Liberty Reserve investigation, authorities raised 14 places in Panama, Switzerland, the U.S., Sweden and Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, investigators recovered five luxury cars, including three Rolls-Royces. Bharara said authorities also seized Liberty's computer servers in Costa Rica and Switzerland.


Satter reported from London. Alan Clendenning and Jorge Sainz in Madrid contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Stem cell injections improve spinal injuries in rats

May 27, 2013 ? An international team led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine reports that a single injection of human neural stem cells produced neuronal regeneration and improvement of function and mobility in rats impaired by an acute spinal cord injury (SCI).

The findings are published in the May 28, 2013 online issue of Stem Cell Research & Therapy.

Martin Marsala, MD, professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, with colleagues at UC San Diego and in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and The Netherlands, said grafting neural stem cells derived from a human fetal spinal cord to the rats' spinal injury site produced an array of therapeutic benefits -- from less muscle spasticity to new connections between the injected stem cells and surviving host neurons.

"The primary benefits were improvement in the positioning and control of paws during walking tests and suppression of muscle spasticity," said Marsala, a specialist in spinal cord trauma and spinal injury-related disorders. Spasticity -- exaggerated muscle tone or uncontrolled spasms -- is a serious and common complication of traumatic injury to the spinal cord.

The human stem cells, said the scientists, appeared to vigorously take root at the injury site.

"In all cell-grafted animals, there was robust engraftment, and neuronal maturation of grafted human neurons was noted," Marsala said. "Importantly, cysts or cavities that can form in or around spinal injuries were not present in any cell-treated animal. The injury-caused cavity was completely filled by grafted cells."

The rats received the pure stem cell grafts three days after injury (no other supporting materials were used) and were given drugs to suppress an immune response to the foreign stem cells. Marsala said grafting at any time after the injury appears likely to work in terms of blocking the formation of spinal injury cavities, but that more work would be required to determine how timing affects functional neurological benefit.

The grafted stem cells, according to Marsala, appear to be doing two things: stimulating host neuron regeneration and partially replacing the function of lost neurons.

"Grafted spinal stem cells are rich source of different growth factors which can have a neuroprotective effect and can promote sprouting of nerve fibers of the host neurons. We have also demonstrated that grafted neurons can develop contacts with the host neurons and, to some extent, restore the connectivity between centers, above and below the injury, which are involved in motor and sensory processing."

The scientists used a line of human embryonic stem cells recently approved for Phase 1 human trials in patients with chronic traumatic spinal injuries. Marsala said the ultimate goal is to develop neural precursor cells (capable of becoming any of the three main cell types in the nervous system) from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patients, which would likely eliminate the need for immunosuppression treatment.

Pending approval by UC San Diego's Institutional Review Board, the next step is a small phase 1 trial to test safety and efficacy with patients who have suffered a thoracic spinal cord injury (between vertebrae T2-T12) one to two years earlier, and who have no motor or sensory function at or below the spinal injury site.

"This is exciting, especially because, historically, there has been very little to offer patients with acute spinal cord injury," said study co-author Joseph Ciacci, MD, professor of surgery and program director of the Neurosurgery Residency at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. Ciacci, who is also chief of neurosurgery for the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, will oversee the clinical trial at UC San Diego and the VA.

Ciacci said if the initial study confirms safety and efficacy, as well as the viability of the implanted cells, neural regeneration and decreased spasticity, the protocol can be expanded to other patients with other forms of severe spinal cord injury.


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Crown Estate, Canada's Oxford Properties sign $483 million London JV

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Crown Estate has signed a 320 million pound joint venture with Canada's Oxford Properties to redevelop London's upmarket St James's Market district, the two companies said on Tuesday.

The Crown Estate, which manages the Queen's property portfolio, said the deal creates a 50-50 partnership in which each will own 150 year leasehold interests in two blocks located between London's Regent Street and Haymarket district.

Oxford Properties is owned by Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, one of Canada's largest pension funds.

The scheme is part of the Crown Estate's ten year plan to redevelop the St James's Market area, and will provide 210,000 square feet of prime office and 50,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space once completed, the two companies said.

The Crown Estate is by law not allowed to take on debt and previously signed a joint venture with Norway's $660 billion oil fund to finance the redevelopment of shopping belt Regent Street. It owns 4 million square feet of retail, office and residential space in the St James's district.

(Reporting by Brenda Goh; Editing by Neil Maidment)


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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Climate researchers discover new rhythm for El Ni?o

May 27, 2013 ? El Ni?o wreaks havoc across the globe, shifting weather patterns that spawn droughts in some regions and floods in others. The impacts of this tropical Pacific climate phenomenon are well known and documented.

A mystery, however, has remained despite decades of research: Why does El Ni?o always peak around Christmas and end quickly by February to April?

Now there is an answer: An unusual wind pattern that straddles the equatorial Pacific during strong El Ni?o events and swings back and forth with a period of 15 months explains El Ni?o's close ties to the annual cycle. This finding is reported in the May 26, 2013, online issue of Nature Geoscience by scientists from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Meteorology Department and International Pacific Research Center.

"This atmospheric pattern peaks in February and triggers some of the well-known El Ni?o impacts, such as droughts in the Philippines and across Micronesia and heavy rainfall over French Polynesia," says lead author Malte Stuecker.

When anomalous trade winds shift south they can terminate an El Ni?o by generating eastward propagating equatorial Kelvin waves that eventually resume upwelling of cold water in the eastern equatorial Pacific. This wind shift is part of the larger, unusual atmospheric pattern accompanying El Ni?o events, in which a high-pressure system hovers over the Philippines and the major rain band of the South Pacific rapidly shifts equatorward.

With the help of numerical atmospheric models, the scientists discovered that this unusual pattern originates from an interaction between El Ni?o and the seasonal evolution of temperatures in the western tropical Pacific warm pool.

"Not all El Ni?o events are accompanied by this unusual wind pattern" notes Malte Stuecker, "but once El Ni?o conditions reach a certain threshold amplitude during the right time of the year, it is like a jack-in-the-box whose lid pops open."

A study of the evolution of the anomalous wind pattern in the model reveals a rhythm of about 15 months accompanying strong El Ni?o events, which is considerably faster than the three- to five-year timetable for El Ni?o events, but slower than the annual cycle.

"This type of variability is known in physics as a combination tone," says Fei-Fei Jin, professor of Meteorology and co-author of the study. Combination tones have been known for more than three centuries. They where discovered by violin builder Tartini, who realized that our ear can create a third tone, even though only two tones are played on a violin.

"The unusual wind pattern straddling the equator during an El Ni?o is such a combination tone between El Ni?o events and the seasonal march of the sun across the equator" says co-author Axel Timmermann, climate scientist at the International Pacific Research Center and professor at the Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai'i. He adds, "It turns out that many climate models have difficulties creating the correct combination tone, which is likely to impact their ability to simulate and predict El Ni?o events and their global impacts."

The scientists are convinced that a better representation of the 15-month tropical Pacific wind pattern in climate models will improve El Ni?o forecasts. Moreover, they say the latest climate model projections suggest that El Ni?o events will be accompanied more often by this combination tone wind pattern, which will also change the characteristics of future El Ni?o rainfall patterns.


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Monday, May 27, 2013

Syrian TV correspondent killed covering fighting

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) ? Gunmen killed a TV correspondent for a Syrian state-owned channel and wounded two other station employees Monday who were covering clashes near the border with Lebanon, Syria's government said, as regime troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group advanced on a rebel-held town in the strategic area.

The fighting around the town of Qusair has taken a heavy toll on both the rebel and government forces, including the regime's Hezbollah allies. An activist group said the Lebanese militia has lost nearly 80 fighters this month, most of them in Qusair.

Syria's Information Ministry said Yara Abbas, a prominent female war reporter for state-owned Al-Ikhbariyah TV, was attacked by rebels near the Dabaa military air base in the central province of Homs. The ministry said in a statement carried by state TV that the car carrying Abbas and her crew was ambushed in Dabaa.

The attack also wounded two other of the station's employees, a cameraman and his assistant, according to state TV.

Dozens of journalists have been killed, wounded or kidnapped since Syria's crisis began in March 2011. Over that time, more than 70,000 people have been killed in the conflict, according to the United Nations.

Dabaa air base is located near Qusair, which has been under attack by government forces and Hezbollah fighters since last week. Dozens of rebels, troops and Hezbollah members have been killed in the heavy fighting that entered its 9th day on Monday.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported fighting in Qusair and Dabaa early Monday. It said troops and Hezbollah fighters captured the nearby town of Hamidiyeh, tightening the siege on Qusair.

Observatory director Rami Abdul-Rahman said troops are now trying to capture the village of Haret al-Turkumen in order to put Qusair under "complete siege."

State TV said troops captured more parts of the northern and central rebel-held neighborhoods of Qusair that had been mostly under rebel control shortly after the crisis began.

The Observatory said that Hezbollah has lost 79 members in Syria in 10 days of fighting, all of them but four of them in the Qusair area.

The battle for Qusair has exposed Hezbollah's growing role in the Syrian conflict. The Shiite militant group, which has been fighting alongside President Bashar Assad's troops, initially tried to play down its involvement, but could no longer do so after dozens of its fighters were killed in the area and buried in large funerals in Lebanon.

On Saturday, Hezbollah's leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah firmly linked his militant group's fate to the survival of the Syrian regime, raising the stakes not just in Syria, but also in Hezbollah's relations with rival groups in Lebanon.

Qusair's value lies in its location along a land corridor linking two of Assad's strongholds, the capital of Damascus and towns on the Mediterranean coast, the heartland of his minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. For the rebels, holding Qusair means protecting a supply line to Lebanon, 10 kilometers (six miles) away.

Also Monday, Syrian TV said troops ambushed a group of gunmen shortly after they crossed from Lebanon on their way to Qusair. It said the infiltrators suffered casualties.

Al-Mayadeen TV, which has several reporters embedded with Syrian troops, aired footage from the town showing wide-scale destruction. At least three bodies could be seen on one of the streets.

The Observatory and the Local Coordination Committees reported clashes and shelling in other parts of Syria including the capital Damascus and its suburbs, the northern province of Aleppo and Idlib and Daraa to the south.

The Observatory said three days of clashes between rebels and Kurdish gunmen in Aleppo province has left three Kurds and 16 opposition gunmen dead.

The main Syrian opposition group, meanwhile, said in a statement Monday that it has not taken a final decision on whether to attend U.N.-sponsored talks with regime representatives in Geneva next month on ending the civil war.

The Syrian National Coalition, which has been holding meetings for days in Turkey, said it added eight new members including leading opposition figure Michel Kilo.

Damascus has said that it has agreed "in principle" to attend the talks in Geneva.

In Brussels, the European Union remained divided on Monday on whether to ease sanctions against Syria to allow for weapons shipments to rebels.

Britain is the most outspoken proponent of relaxing the arms embargo but faces opposition from some members who feel more weapons would only increase the killings and tarnish the EU's reputation as a peace broker. Several nations say that arming the opposition would create a level playing field that would force Assad into a negotiated settlement.

Journalists covering Syria's bloody conflict, on both the government and rebel sides of the front lines, have been caught in the crossfire ? or targeted ? on several occasions.

Syria's state-run Al-Thawra daily reported last week that nine journalists and 23 other crew members working for state-run media have been killed in the country over the past two years.

Several foreign reporters also have lost their lives covering the conflict, including award-winning French TV reporter Gilles Jacquier, photographer Remi Ochlik and Britain's Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin. Also, Anthony Shadid, a correspondent for The New York Times, died after an apparent asthma attack while on assignment in Syria.

Journalists have also increasingly become targets for kidnapping. In August last year, a crew from Al-Ikhbariyah television was abducted by anti-government forces before being later rescued by Syrian troops.

In December, NBC correspondent Richard Engel and his crew were detained by pro-regime gunmen in northern Syria. After his release, Engel said they escaped unharmed during a firefight between their captors and anti-regime rebels.

James Foley, a 39-year-old American journalist, has been missing in Syria since late last year. Foley has worked in a number of conflict zones around the Middle East, including Syria, Libya and Iraq. He was contributing videos to Agence France-Press while in Syria.

Amnesty International said on May 3 that Syria's government and elements of the rebel movement are deliberately targeting journalists, releasing a report which doled out blame for both sides in the country's civil war.

The London-based rights group acknowledged that the journalists' deaths ? numbering somewhere between 44 and 100, depending on who does the counting ? represent only "a miniscule fraction" of a death toll.


Mroue reported from Beirut.


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Spotted: First evidence of leopard eating a chimp

Diptendu Dutta / AFP - Getty Images file

DNA analysis of one leopard's scat showed that the bones came from an adult female chimp.

By Douglas Main, LiveScience

Only rarely have people seen what happens when chimpanzees and leopards come into close quarters in the wilds of Africa. On these occasions, chimpanzees have made loud, fearful calls, or played the aggressor: In one case, chimps even surrounded a leopard den and killed a cub.

But the big-brained primates don't always win: For the first time, scientists have found evidence of a leopard eating a chimpanzee.

In Tanzania's Mahale Mountains National Park, researchers spent 41 days collecting African leopard scat from June to August 2012 (summer internship, anyone?). In one of the cat's "offerings," scientists found several chimpanzee patella and phalanges, corresponding to kneecaps and toe bones, respectively. DNA analysis showed that the bones came from an adult female chimp.

The researchers can't be entirely certain that the leopard hunted down the chimp, because the cats occasionally eat dead animals; in other words, it's possible the chimp keeled over and then became leopard chow. However, the finding has led scientists to re-examine three mysterious wounds incurred by three different chimps in Mahale over the last few years. The wounds were deeper than thought to be possible from fights with other chimps, which is what scientists previously thought had happened.

A 2009 study suggested that chimpanzees face only negligible pressure from predators. If it's indeed true that the leopard ate a live chimp, scientists may need to rethink this view and further examine how predation from leopards, or other animals, might have driven the chimpanzee's evolution, the researchers said. One study from 1993 found evidence of lions eating four chimpanzees, also in Mahale Mountains National Park. The park is one of the few places with ongoing research where the range of leopards and chimpanzees overlap, which helps explain why this was witnessed there.

The new research was published online May 21 in the Journal of Human Evolution.

Email?Douglas Main?or follow him on?Twitter?or?Google+. Follow us @livescience, ?Facebook?or?Google+. Original article on

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Israel's president calls for return to peace talks

SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan (AP) ? Israel's president on Sunday urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to overcome differences and resume peace negotiations, saying the sides could not afford "to lose this opportunity."

President Shimon Peres issued his call ahead of a gathering of Mideast leaders on the sidelines of a World Economic Forum meeting on the shores of the Dead Sea in Jordan. Sunday's conference was expected to include a rare face-to-face meeting between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, with the participation of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who has devoted much of the past two months to restarting long-stalled peace talks.

"We shouldn't lose the opportunity because it will be replaced by a great disappointment," Peres told reporters in Jordan. "For my experience, I believe it's possible to overcome it. It doesn't require too much time."

Palestinian-Israeli peace talks broke down nearly five years ago, in large part due to disagreements over Israeli settlement construction on occupied territories claimed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians say there is no point in negotiating while Israel continues to build Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, which they say undermines their quest to set up an independent state. The Palestinians want both areas, captured by Israel in 1967, as parts of their state.

Kerry, who met with Israeli and Palestinian officials last week during a swing through the region, said both sides must make hard decisions to move toward direct negotiations.

Peres, who won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for helping forge an interim deal with the Palestinians, sounded upbeat and determined to help in peacemaking with Palestinians.

"It is time for peace," he said. "I believe this is an important opportunity to (engage), not to waste time, return to negotiations and complete the negotiations with the Palestinians."

He said a peace agreement must be "based on a two state solution: an Israeli state, a Palestinian state living as good neighbors cooperating economically and bringing a message to the young generation."

For decades an ardent supporter of peace with the Palestinians, Peres holds a ceremonial role in Israel, and his views are highly respected in Israeli society. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has most decision-making powers, holds more hawkish positions than Peres and has given few signs of how he sees a final peace deal with the Palestinians.

Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, asked to comment on Peres' peace, blamed Israel for the stalled negotiations.

"President Peres know very much ... that we (the Palestinians) are not the obstacle," he told The Associated Press.

"I hope that President Peres can convince the prime minister of Israel to accept ... the two states, that it is time to make peace and not talk about peace," Erekat added.

While Netanyahu has endorsed the concept of a two-state solution, the Palestinians accuse him of undermining that goal through his actions. In particular, they object to continued settlement construction and Netanyahu's refusal to endorse Israel's pre-1967 lines as the basis for a future border.

Netanyahu has called for resumption of peace talks without preconditions, saying all those issues would be on the table.

Israeli media reported that the president discussed with Netanyahu some key issues he is expected to raise at Sunday's forum.

Peres has scheduled meetings with Jordan's King Abdullah II, whose country maintains cordial ties with Israel under a peace treaty signed in 1994, and possibly Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is also attending the WEF.

On his fourth visit to the Middle East since taking office in February, Kerry held talks with Netanyahu and Abbas last week. Jordanian officials said privately Kerry was expected to meet Peres and Abbas while in Jordan.

In a related development, a group of Israeli and Palestinian businessmen at the conference unveiled a plan to push their leaders to begin serious peace negotiations.

"We're using our collective business experience and influence to convince leaders on both sides that peace is a must," said Palestinian business tycoon Munib Masri.

Masri said he was leading the initiative, called "breaking the impasse," along with Israeli high-tech guru Yossi Vardi. He said they would lobby both sides to make peace.


Associated Press writer Jamal Halaby contributed.


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Report blames Pakistan politicians, security for anti-Christian riots

Nearly four years after deadly anti-Christian riots left nine dead, authorities released?a 318 page report indicating Pakistan's security establishment could have prevented them.

By Umar Farooq,?Contributor / May 26, 2013

Children of Pakistani Christians play in front of tents provided for Christian families whose homes were set on fire by a mob in Lahore, in March.

Mohsin Raza/Reuters


A series of violent riots against Pakistani Christians in the past decade has concerned human rights watchers and religious minorities in Pakistan.

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The latest deadly incident, which took place just two months ago, raised questions about what, if anything, can be done to prevent such violence. ??

The March incident when a Muslim mob burned down a Christian neighborhood in Lahore, echoed a similar incident in the rural town of Gojra four years earlier. Nine people were killed when rioters torched two Christian neighborhoods over rumors the Christians had celebrated a wedding by showering the groom with pages torn from the Quran. Despite hundreds of arrests, no one was tried for the riots, and relatives of those killed have now fled Pakistan.

In 2009, the Punjab government asked a senior judge to investigate how to prevent incidents like the one in Gojra. The judge interviewed nearly 600 witnesses, including senior politicians and intelligence officials, producing a 318-page report detailing who was responsible for the violence. But the full report was not released until recently ? nearly four years after the riots.?

It implicates members of Pakistan Muslim League-N, at the time just recently elected to power, and recommends Pakistan's blasphemy laws be reformed to prevent future violence. According to the report, the Interservices Intelligence (ISI) and local intelligence agencies knew banned extremist groups like Sipah-e-Sahaba were organizing the mobs, yet authorities did not take preventative action.

?Everything could have been avoided, if the local administration did what they were supposed to do,? says Mehboob Khan, who headed fact-finding trips to Gojra for the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

Like the riot in Lahore this year, Mr. Khan says police had several days to curtail growing threats from Muslim extremists in Gojra.

On July 30, 2009, members of Sipah-e-Sahaba led a mob that burned down the entire village of Korian over the blasphemy accusation. The next day, preachers at three local mosques used their Friday sermons to demand that Gojra's Christian community ? some 40,000 people ? be expelled. They announced rallies the next day.

The next day, busloads of seminary students from the nearby town of Jhang ? a radical Sunni stronghold ? joined the rallies, which were addressed by local PML-N leaders and preachers from Sipah-e-Sahaba.

Bishop John Samuel, who heads an Anglican community in Gojra, says local police should have stopped the meetings and arrested those calling for more violence. ?There had already been one fire, why did the police allow these meetings?? he asks.

By that evening, crowds from the rallies made their way to the Christian neighborhood near the center of Gojra.

Despite the efforts of some religious leaders to disperse the crowd, the mob began throwing stones at the homes, and some began shooting at Christians.

Hameed Maseeh, a Christian, climbed on top of his roof and began firing back, but he was shot and killed. The crowd of Muslims swelled to more than 7,000, and some began setting fire to the Christian homes.

According to the report, police that were supposed to protect the Christians told them to flee, before leaving the scene themselves. ?At the height of the riot, they [the police] were nowhere to be seen,? recalls Bishop Samuel.

Hameed Masih's family ? unwilling to leave his body behind ? locked themselves inside their home. Seven of them, including two children and three women, died when the mob set fire to their home.

Maseeh's son accused 17 people ? including the regional PML-N head and several Sipah-e-Sahaba leaders ? of the murders. Though 113 suspects were arrested, all were released within months because witnesses refused to testify against them.

Peter Jacob, head of the minority rights group National Council for Justice and Peace, says the witnesses were systematically threatened into silence. In 2010, Hameed Masih's surviving family left Pakistan, fearing for their lives. In their absence, Pakistani courts dropped the murder case.

Two police commanders that left the scene as mobs torched Christian homes were suspended for a few months, but cleared by a subsequent departmental investigation. They have since been promoted.

The PML-N leader that had helped lead the Muslim mobs was elected to the provincial assembly in elections earlier this month.

'No problems'

In the years since the riots, the Punjab government has rebuilt the hundreds of homes that had been torched in Gojra. Christians in the area claim everything has gone back to normal.

?We have no problems with the Muslims, everything is fine,? said a Christian shopkeeper in Korian whose home was burned down, refusing to be named.

But Bishop Samuel says more than 50 families have chosen to leave Pakistan since the riots.

While it does not call for repealing the blasphemy laws completely, the Gojra report recommends removing specific protections for Muslims, and enacting measures to discourage fabricated cases. Rights groups say blasphemy accusations are often rooted in disputes over money or property.

?Reform is the first step,? Bishop Samuel says, ?If we can't finish the laws completely in Pakistan, at least charge the person making false claims.?

Jacob points out police have prevented violence in cases where they have seriously investigated blasphemy accusations.

?People didn't believe the law was being misused [before],? says Khan, ?but slowly ... they are starting to see examples of it.?

When a teenaged Christian girl was accused of blasphemy last year, the case was heard by the same judge who conducted the Gojra inquiry. Citing a lack of evidence, the judge dismissed the case, ordering the accuser's arrest instead.


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Indy 500 could be better than 2012's epic race

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? They raced 1-2-3 in line, trading the lead a whopping 15 times over the final, frantic 75 laps. All three drivers had a last-lap plan in mind when they zipped past the white flag, and it was Takuma Sato who acted first with a bold move for the win.

Sato pulled out of line, dipped inside of Dario Franchitti and tried to pounce as they headed into the first turn. Scott Dixon watched and waited from third, figuring he was now in position to slingshot past both for the victory.

Instead, Sato and Franchitti nearly touched. Sato spun out and into the wall and Franchitti zipped to his third victory in one of the most dramatic Indianapolis 500 finishes in memory. Some even argued it was one of the greatest Indy 500s ever.

It sure won't be easy to top on Sunday.

"I got a lot of comments from drivers in NASCAR and Formula One saying it was the best 500 they'd ever seen," Franchitti said. "But I think this year will also be a very, close exciting race."

The bar was certainly raised at Indianapolis Motor Speedway last year with 34 lead changes, passing throughout the field, Franchitti rallying from the back to win and three close friends of the late Dan Wheldon sweeping the podium. So perfect it could have been a Hollywood movie script.

But the IndyCar Series has given every indication this season that Sunday at Indianapolis Motor Speedway could be another thriller.

The series is off to a terrific start this year with three winners in the first four races, and for the first time since 1991 none of the winners drive for the mighty Penske Racing or Chip Ganassi Racing teams. Instead, it's been three wins for resurgent Andretti Autosport and one for A.J. Foyt Racing, which celebrated Sato becoming the first Japanese driver to win an IndyCar race.

So steady this season, Sato goes into Sunday as the series points leader. And, he'll start from the sixth row ? right next to Franchitti and Dixon.

Sato, who calls last year's race "an unforgettable day," has the chance to give Foyt his first Indy 500 victory since Kenny Brack in 1999. Sato's win at Long Beach last month was the first for the Foyt organization since 2002.

"We're here for it. We are here aiming to win the 500, so there is no reason why we cannot," Sato said. "Winning, I was so close last year. Knowing that now, how to get there, what you need there, so it's been a tremendous experience last year to hopefully I can translate it to... this year's performance."

The field is stacked, though, and has a pair of drivers trying to join the exclusive club of four-time winners. Franchitti and Helio Castroneves are each vying to join Foyt, Al Unser Sr. and Rick Mears as the only four-time winners of the Indy 500, a feat that's not been done since Mears' 1991 victory.

"What an incredible opportunity for the fans to have not only one, but two guys trying to make history," Castroneves said. "Forget about the names, forget about who it is. But imagine people who didn't even see the last time when the guy won four times."

They've got five Andretti Autosport cars standing in their way and two of them start from the front row.

Carlos Munoz, a 21-year-old Colombian making his IndyCar debut, will start second alongside Marco Andretti, who is once again considered a favorite but must overcome a curse that has limited his famous family to one win ? Mario Andretti in 1969 ? in 80 starts.

Andretti feels far more comfortable about his chances this year than he did last season, when he called the race "mine to lose." Graham Rahal, the other half of the closest rivalry in the mild-mannered series, doesn't consider his nemesis the favorite.

"Do I think it's Marco's race? No. Marco hasn't led in the pack all week," Rahal said. "He just sits in the back and runs a big lap time and pits."

Instead, Rahal thinks everybody is overlooking AJ Allmendinger, who will make his Indianapolis 500 debut seven years after he left open-wheel racing for NASCAR. A failed drug test cost him his NASCAR ride last summer with Roger Penske, but the team owner has given him a second chance with this IndyCar opportunity.

Allmendinger has been fast at Indy ? so good that struggling teammate Will Power used his setup in qualifying. Power said Allmendinger has the best car in traffic of all three Penske entries. Named after Foyt, his father's favorite driver, Allmendinger could complete his comeback Sunday.

"AJ Allmendinger is a very good race driver. He's had quite a bit of experience," said Foyt. "I met his daddy the other day, I said, 'Why did you handicap that kid putting A.J. on him?'"

Allmendinger is one of 11 American drivers in the field of 33 ? there are also a record-tying four women ? and leading the red, white and blue charge is local boy Ed Carpenter, the only owner-driver in the field.

Carpenter, the stepson of IndyCar Series founder Tony George, is a graduate of Butler and a die-hard Indiana Pacers fan and the surprise pole-winner for the Indy 500. He is noted for his skills racing on an oval, and he's twice beaten Franchitti in wheel-to-wheel races to the finish line. But now he'll be leading the field to the green flag of his hometown race with all of Indiana watching.

"I don't feel the pressure," he said. "As far as the local fan base and support, it's fun. I don't think that translates into pressure."

Carpenter is powered by Chevrolet, which for the second year in a row dominated all the preparations for the Indy 500 and swept the first 10 spots in qualifying. But Honda showed more life in Friday's final practice, when it had six drivers in the top 10 of the speed chart. If that sounds familiar, it should ? last year, Chevrolet dominated leading into the Indy 500 but Franchitti won in a Honda.

"We have seen this movie before ? this is the same story of last year, and Honda had the advantage on race day," said James Hinchcliffe, who goes into the race with two wins this season for Andretti.

And race day is the only day that matters, according to Ganassi, who publicly called out Honda during the season-opening weekend at St. Pete when he questioned the manufacturer's desire to win. Ganassi went so far as to claim the only thing Honda wants to do is "sit around and hold hands and sing Kumbaya. I want to win."

Ganassi wasn't panicked Friday about Honda's performance so far at Indy, and said Sunday will be the "tale of the tape."

"I'd like to think we gave them a little bit of a spark there that started a bit of a fire, and that fire burns today very hot," Ganassi said. "I'm happy with how they responded, but this is in response . this is a long, not a one-race or one-day commitment we're looking for a response to, it's a season-long slog. A marathon we're involved in throughout the season. I'm sure they're up to the task."

So he'll wait and see if this year's running of "The Greatest Spectacle In Racing" can live up to last year.

"Last year is going to be tough to top, but what we've seen in practice so far indicates we are going to see a really similar race," Hinchcliffe said. "And I don't think fans are ever going to get tired of that kind of action."


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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Did Attorney General Eric Holder OK Attempt to Hack Journalist's EMail?

gty eric holder mi 130524 wblog Did Attorney General Eric Holder OK Attempt to Hack Journalists EMail?Did Attorney General Eric Holder OK Attempt to Hack Journalists EMail?

The Justice Department stopped short of saying that Attorney General Eric Holder O.K.'d the investigation into Fox News reporter James Rosen. But critics have seized on a comment Holder made last week, asking if the attorney general misled Congress.

The Obama administration has been criticized for reportedly seizing Rosen's emails and phone records, and for tracking his movement in and out of the State Department through security-badge records, as it investigated possible leaks of information about North Korea. Last week's Washington Post report added fuel to an already controversial time for the Justice Department, which seized phone records of Associated Press reporters and offices.

In a statement on Friday, the Justice Department said the Rosen investigation had been approved "at the highest levels" of the Justice Department, including "discussions with the Attorney General."

Here's how the department explained its decision to investigate Rosen, in a background statement:

The Department takes seriously the First Amendment right to freedom of the press. In recognition of this, the Department took great care in deciding that a search warrant was necessary in the Kim matter, vetting the decision at the highest levels of the Department, including discussions with the Attorney General. After extensive deliberations, and after following all applicable laws, regulations and policies, the Department sought an appropriately tailored search warrant under the Privacy Protection Act. And a federal magistrate judge made an independent finding that probable cause existed to approve the search warrant.

Attorney General Holder understands the concerns that have been raised by the media and has initiated a reevaluation of existing Department policies and procedures. This review will include extensive engagement with representatives of the media. The Department must strike the appropriate balance between its obligation to enforce the laws preventing leaks of classified information and First Amendment rights, and, through a new media shield law and appropriate updates to the Department's internal guidelines, we are committed to achieving that balance.

When Holder appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on May 15, four days before the Post reported on the Rosen investigation, Holder expressed skepticism of prosecuting reporters, as lawmakers asked him about the AP probe.

"You've got a long way to go to try to prosecute people - the press for the publication of that material," Holder told the committee, according to a transcript service.

But he also said that he had never been aware of potential prosecutions of reporters.

"Well, I would say this. With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that I've ever been involved in, heard of or would think would be a wise policy," Holder said, responding to Georgia Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson's suggestion that reporters' First Amendment rights should be protected.

The Rosen leak was part of another prosecution - of the alleged leaker - but the Justice Department did suggest, in seeking a warrant for Rosen's G-mail account, that he may have broken the law.

FBI agent Reginald Reyes wrote in an affidavit that "there is probably cause to believe that the Reporter has committed or is committing a violation of section 793(d), as an aider and abbettor and/or co-conspirator, to which the materials relate."

Conservatives have seized on Holder's comment, asking if the attorney general lied to Congress when he made it. Fox's Karl Rove has asked that question, as have Hot Air's Ed Morrissey and's Katie Pavlich.

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