Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nut-cracking monkeys use shapes to strategize their use of tools

Feb. 27, 2013 ? Bearded capuchin monkeys deliberately place palm nuts in a stable position on a surface before trying to crack them open, revealing their capacity to use tactile information to improve tool use. The results are published February 27 in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Dorothy Fragaszy and colleagues from the University of Georgia.

The researchers analyzed the monkeys' tool-use skills by videotaping adult monkeys cracking palm nuts on a surface they used frequently for the purpose. They found that monkeys positioned the nuts flat side down more frequently than expected by random chance. When placing the nuts, the monkeys knocked the nuts on the surface a few times before releasing them, after which the nuts very rarely moved.

The researchers suggest that the monkeys may have learned to optimize this tool-use strategy by repeatedly knocking the nut to achieve the stable position prior to cracking it. They conclude that the monkeys' strategic placement of the nut reveals that the monkeys pay attention to the fit between the nut and the surface each time they place the nut, and adjust their actions accordingly.

In a parallel experiment, the scientists asked blindfolded people to perform the same action, positioning palm nuts on an anvil as if to crack them with a stone or hammer. Like the monkeys, the human participants also followed tactile cues to place the nut flat-side down on the anvil.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Dorothy M. Fragaszy, Qing Liu, Barth W. Wright, Angellica Allen, Callie Welch Brown, Elisabetta Visalberghi. Wild Bearded Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) Strategically Place Nuts in a Stable Position during Nut-Cracking. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (2): e56182 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056182

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Aweber Review: An email Auto-responder making YOU a ...

Are you ready to get an email auto-responder but having a hard time deciding where to start or which one to choose?

Well you are not alone!

I too was know where you are and so I am writing this article of the Aweber Review to help you decide.

You see in the beginning when they tell you that you need a website and and autoresponder, your head might start to spin.? Getting a domain name and hosting can be a challenge in an of itself and this Email Auto-responder like Aweber is a new thing but ESSENTIAL for your internet Marketing.

If you have been having the Pain of searching for an Email Auto-responder, then this Aweber Review will help you in a HURRY!

In the Aweber Review I want to ask you a few questions.

Do you have a product or service that you would like to promote?? Or are you already involved in a business as an affiliate or direct sales member.? If so then you will ALWAYS want to create an email list so that you can market to them.

Even if you are not involved in any business or sales yet, you can create an email list that will be your potential customers!

Heck you could even wind up just selling the email list for someone else to market!

If you are SERIOUS about making money online then you will want to pay close attention.

You can use the Aweber Email Auto-responder service to create a new customer when someone visits your site or clicks on something on the site that interests them.? Then you can have a targeted lead to market your product or service to, AGAIN AND AGAIN!

So Here are a few key points that make Aweber an Industry Leader and standard for the Internet Marketing Professionals. ?This Aweber Review will note my favorite key points.

  • #1 Class A Customer Service.? This is HUGE!? If you don?t have a company you can count on then, NOT so good.
  • Aweber is easy to use. -? It has tutorials and steps that pop up on screen and show you what else needs to be done.
  • It has Campaigns that you can load for marketing your products.? If your company has pre-written campaign emails for your product or service, you can copy that code and paste it into Aweber campaigns and it will import the pre-written emails for you to make minor edits to with your link information or phone number for example.
  • Aweber has a Submit Form creator and editor.? This is really great as it allows a way for you to capture emails and phone numbers by creating a widget or header/footer web form.? The form is totally customizable and you can learn it quickly.
  • Aweber has the ability to send emails from your campaigns and edit when you send them.? It also has a the ability to send a Broadcast blast email that can be sent out at any time.
  • Aweber allows you to do things with the email list subscribers that you have built easily.
  • Aweber also has graphic charts that are clean and easily show you what?s going on with your lists.

In the Aweber Review I can tell you one thing for sure.

I think I can say the this Aweber Review has shown that Aweber ?is the Solution to your email auto-responder Nightmares!

You can even test it out for free.? If you have questions you can contact me, I have found that they have Excellent Customer Service.

Thank you for reading and Please contact me with your questions and concerns.

If you would please like and share this article I would thank you in advance! ?Like, Tweet and Share with your favorite social media today.

Dustin Slade, Aweber Review

Dustin Coleman Slade

Phone: 720-301-8696

Skype: acupuncture4u


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Why travel abroad? Four reasons I want to travel the world... | NZ Muse

Why travel the world? I?ve been thinking lately about why travel is important to me. Why I choose to spend my time and money on travel, and why we?re taking half a year out to see the world. After all, it?s easy to look at beautiful pictures of mountains, or buildings, or beaches, from the comfort of your own home. Heck, sometimes you?ll get a better view that way. Often monuments are underwhelming in the flesh, or dirty, or crowded, or hard to see from the ground.

That said, wanderlust is in my bones. I want to see these places in the flesh. Breathe the air. See the colours. Taste the flavours. I won?t, lie, one of my big motivators is?

The food

We get pretty good Asian food in New Zealand, being in the Pacific. That said, I want to eat authentic Vietnamese and Thai noodle soups. I want to try genuine Greek and Italian food (which we don?t get so much of here). I want to eat real Mexican, French pastries, In-N-Out Burger, and churros in Spain.


It?s basically impossible not to be inspired by the sights you?ll see and the people you?ll meet. Write, photograph, paint, draw ? whatever your vice, you will find fresh creative fodder on the road. Hand in hand with inspiration (at least for me) also comes sheer contentment. It?s likely bad things will happen along the way. You?ll miss a bus or run out of petrol or lose a memory card or get food poisoning ? but it?s all part of the experience. Think of the stories you?ll tell when you get back. Overall, travel is always an amazing experience for me, and it?s always worth it. As a rule, I?m deliriously happy when I?m travelling. It?s a feeling that I just believe how lucky I am to be where I am at any given moment, and am constantly pinching myself to make sure it?s real.

Get some perspective

Basically all the couchsurfers we?ve hosted have said how much they?d like to live here and that they could see themselves staying in New Zealand if they could get a job. It is a beautiful country, and it?s hard for ME not to get caught up in their amazement and awe myself. You get to see your country through new eyes. Conversely, when you?re the visitor in someone else?s country, learning about their customs and laws and environment and culture, you will either learn just how lucky you are to live where you do, or see its shortcomings more clearly (or a bit of both). Travel helps you clarify what?s important to you. Broadening your horizons = personal growth.

The memories

Some of my fondest memories are from the road. Wandering Sydney?s suburban streets. Walking along Bondi in bare feet, and getting strange looks for it. Trying not to lose my shit as I fell 15,000 feet from a plane over Queenstown. The meeting of sea and sky in one glorious palette at Kaikoura. The crystal clear waters of Rarotonga. Freezing my ass off on the walk to Fox Glacier. Drinking from a waterfall at Milford Sound. Spotting penguins in the Catlins. Cursing the squawking ducks on Lake te Anau. Photographing the whooshing geysers at the Pancake Rocks, and feeding weka in the carpark. Getting lost in Mt Aspiring National Park, and stopping to climb the rocks at Hospital Flat. The hidden charms of New Chum?s Beach and Cathedral Cove. All the better, almost all of these are shared experiences with T I won?t forget.

Because I have a new plugin, I?ve gone a bit tad crazy. Vote on my travel polls below!


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Video: S&P Headed Toward 1,550: Guy Adami

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Leukemia Lymphoma Society Man of the Year - Shelton, CT Patch

Gregory Francis, a resident of Shelton, has been nominated for Man of the Year by the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of CT. ?

The Leukemia Lymphoma Society plays a huge role in creating pathways to cure blood cancers.? "People talk about curing cancer at some point in the future.? But, for LLS, someday is today. Contributions made to this organization - through partners, volunteers and generous donors - are driving cures right now. The reality is, if you want to reduce the incidence of lung cancer, stop smoking.? If you want to reduce the incidence of melanoma, use sun block. If you want to prevent the incidence of blood cancer, invest in a cure." ?Contributions help people like Andrew pictured here.

To donate to the campaign go to?


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Judge refuses to dismiss charges in WikiLeaks case

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) ? An Army private accused of sending classified material to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks has not been denied a speedy trial despite his lengthy pretrial confinement, a military judge ruled Tuesday.

Attorneys for Pfc. Bradley Manning had asked the judge to dismiss all charges against the former intelligence analyst because he's been detained for two years and nine months. Defense attorney David Coombs argued that prosecutors dragged their feet and that a commander rubber-stamped their requests for delay after delay.

Prosecutors said the delays were reasonable, given the complexity of the case and the volume of classified material involved. The military judge, Col. Denise Lind, agreed Tuesday with prosecutors, with a few minor exceptions. She denied the defense motion, letting the charges against Manning stand.

Manning faces 22 charges, including aiding the enemy, which carries a maximum life sentence. His court-martial is scheduled to start June 3 at Fort Meade, an Army base between Baltimore and Washington.

The 25-year-old Oklahoma native is accused of sending hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports, State Department diplomatic cables, other classified records and two battlefield video clips to WikiLeaks in 2009 and 2010 while working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad.

The Obama administration has said releasing the information threatened valuable military and diplomatic sources and strained America's relations with other governments. Experts say that by seeking to punish Manning, the administration is sending a strong message that such leaks will not be tolerated.

Manning supporters ? who held events Saturday to mark his 1,000 days in confinement ? consider him a whistleblowing hero whose actions exposed war crimes and helped trigger the Middle Eastern pro-democracy uprisings known as the Arab Spring in late 2010.

Manning has offered to plead guilty to reduced charges for 10 of the 22 counts he faces. Lind was scheduled to consider on Thursday whether to accept that plea after questioning Manning under oath about his actions. If she were to accept the plea, Manning would face 20 years in prison on those charges.

However, Manning has not reached a plea deal with prosecutors. Even if the plea were to be accepted, prosecutors could still pursue convictions on the other charges, including aiding the enemy and several counts of theft of government property.

Also on Tuesday, it was revealed that Manning has submitted a written statement about the leak and the motive behind it that he wants to read in court during Thursday's hearing on his guilty plea. Lind has not decided whether to allow Manning to read the statement into the record. Prosecutors objected to the statement.

Attorneys for Manning and the government also argued Tuesday about whether evidence that Osama bin Laden had viewed some of the material leaked by Manning and published by WikiLeaks was relevant. Prosecutors plan to call a witness who was part of the Navy SEAL raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, to establish that the al-Qaida leader possessed some of the material. The court would move to a secure location to hear that witness' testimony, and the person's name would not be made public.

The defense argues that such evidence is not necessary to prove the charge of aiding the enemy. What's relevant, Coombs said, is whether Manning knew at the time he handed over the material that the enemy would receive it.

Manning has won few significant victories in his lengthy pretrial proceedings, which included testimony from the soldier about how he was deprived of his clothing and told to stand at attention naked while on suicide watch at the maximum-security Marine Corps brig at Quantico, Va. He has since been transferred to medium-security confinement at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Lind ruled that Manning was illegally punished for part of the time he spent at Quantico and that 112 days should be cut from any prison sentence he receives if convicted.


Follow Ben Nuckols on Twitter at


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Voters head to polls in ex-Rep. Jackson's district

Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale, a Democrat, speaks with election judge Nancy Karen as he casts his vote in Chicago, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the special primary election to replace former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Beale is one of three front-runners in the primary. The others include former state Rep. Robin Kelly and former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson. They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner is expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the heavily Democratic region. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale, a Democrat, speaks with election judge Nancy Karen as he casts his vote in Chicago, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the special primary election to replace former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Beale is one of three front-runners in the primary. The others include former state Rep. Robin Kelly and former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson. They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner is expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the heavily Democratic region. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Former Democratic U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson casts her vote in Steger, Ill., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the special primary election to replace former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Halvorson is one of the front-runners in the primary.? The others include former state Rep. Robin Kelly and Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale. They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner is expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the heavily Democratic region. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Former Illinois state Rep. Robin Kelly, a Democrat, finds a supporter in Yolanda Stratton as she campaigns at an IHOP in Matteson, Ill., on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, on the final day of the special primary election to replace disgraced former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Kelly is one of the three front-runners in the primary. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

CHICAGO (AP) ? After a primary campaign dominated by gun control and economic woes, voters were choosing the likely replacement for Jesse Jackson Jr. Tuesday, three months after his legal troubles and battle with depression forced the son of the civil rights leader to resign from Congress.

The Democratic front-runners former state Rep. Robin Kelly, former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson and Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale made Election Day stops at train stations and restaurants in the district that spans Chicago's South Side, south suburbs and some rural areas.

They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner was expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the area is heavily Democratic.

Halvorson, who lost a primary challenge to Jackson last year, has been targeted by opponents for her position on gun control, which became a key issue in the district, parts of which have been deeply affected by Chicago's gun violence.

Independence USA, the super PAC of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, poured more than $2 million into the race for anti-gun ads in support of Kelly and against Halvorson, a former state lawmaker and one-term congresswoman. Kelly supports an assault-weapons ban, but Halvorson does not.

After casting her ballot, Halvorson warned that if the ads are successful Bloomberg will try to "buy seats" across the country.

"We can't let that happen," she said.

Beale also took issue with the ads, saying people are "extremely upset" that someone from New York is trying to tell people in Illinois how to vote and predicting that there will be a "backlash."

The guns issue dominated candidate forums and television ads and also appeared to have resonated with voters.

Mary Jo Higgins of south suburban Steger said she voted for Halvorson because the former congresswoman is "the only Democrat who believes in the Second Amendment."

But Country Club Hills minister Rosemary Gage voted for former state Rep. Robin Kelly because Kelly is "standing with (President Barack Obama) and trying to get rid of guns."

"It's really bad in Chicago and across the country," Gage said. "Too many children have died."

The issue of ethics was also on the minds of voters, particularly as Jackson's legal saga has been playing out in federal court. He pleaded guilty early this month to charges that he misspent $750,000 in campaign money on lavish personal items, including a Rolex watch and furs. His departure created a rare opening in the district.

Halvorson was greeted by cheers of "good luck" and "go Debbie go" as she cast her ballot at a suburban community center in the village of Steger.

Speaking afterward, she said it's time for voters to close the chapter on Jackson's ethical problems and send someone to Washington who can hit the ground running.

Halvorson is counting on voters in the southern, more rural part of the district, where she grew up, to help her to a win in the primary.

David Berchem, a retired painter, said he voted for Halvorson because he believes she will represent all residents of the district and she's "as honest a person as you can find."

Beale voted at a school in Chicago and Kelly voted early.

Beale touted his record as a job creator for the South Side ward he represents in Chicago's City Council.

That's the reason Juanita Williams, who went to school with Beale, said she voted for him Tuesday, noting that he helped bring a Wal-Mart to the area. The 47-year-old assistant teacher also said Beale has regularly provided school supplies and Christmas gifts to needy students.

Jackson is the third consecutive congressman from the district to leave office under an ethical or legal cloud. He resigned in November after a months-long medical leave for treatment of bipolar disorder and depression.

Voters haven't seen an open primary since 1995, when Jackson first won office.

Turnout at the polls was expected to be low, and candidates and election officials braced for a possible winter storm that could dump up to six inches of snow on the region and complicate Tuesday's logistics. Election officials said they were in communication with streets and sanitation workers about making sure pathways to polls were kept clear.

In Chicago, fewer than 2,800 voters, or roughly 2 percent or registered voters in the district, cast early ballots. In suburban Cook County ? the bulk of the district's voting population ? it was nearly 2 percent. The last time the Chicago area had a special primary election for Congress was 2009 after Rahm Emanuel left his seat to take a job as White House chief of staff. Roughly 18 percent of registered voters in the district spanning North Side neighborhoods voted. In suburban Cook County, the percentage was far lower.


Sophia Tareen can be reached at

Associated Press


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dell Wireless Dock Offers Untethered Docking Experience ...


Dell Wireless Dock Offers Untethered Docking ExperienceThere is a new wireless dock in tow, which is known as the Dell Wireless Dock that is touted by Dell (of course) to deliver best-in-class untethered docking experience alongside the Dell Latitude 6430u Ultrabook for speedy, flexible connectivity between devices and peripherals. The WiGig standard is being championed by Dell and Wilocity, where it ushers in a new age of mainstream wireless connectivity by boasting speeds of up to 10 times faster compared to normal Wi-Fi, not to mention being able to transmit high quality video streams without missing a beat.

The Dell Wireless Dock intends to spearhead the docking solution market by offering the latest multi-gigabit tri-band Wi-Fi standard (WiGig) which will also be compatible with the award-winning Dell Latitude 6430u Ultrabook, making it the ideal connectivity solution in conference rooms and classrooms, helping usher the world into a new world of wireless connectivity. Expect to pick up the Dell Wireless Dock for $249. [Press Release]

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Budweiser waters down its beer, lawsuit alleges

Beer lovers across the country have filed $5 million class-action lawsuits accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down its Budweiser, Michelob and other brands.

The suits were filed in Pennsylvania, California and other states on behalf of consumers allegedly cheated out of the beverage's stated alcohol content. Budweiser and Michelob each boast being 5 percent alcohol, while some "light" versions are said to be just over 4 percent.

Lead lawyer Josh Boxer of San Rafael, Calif., said Tuesday the suits are based on information from former employees at some of the company's 13 U.S. breweries. Boxer said water is added just before bottling, and cuts the stated alcohol content by 3 to 8 percent.

The claims against Anheuser-Busch are ?completely false,? Peter Kraemer, the company?s vice president of brewing and supply, said in an e-mail to

?Our beers are in full compliance with all alcohol labeling laws,? Kraemer said. ?We proudly adhere to the highest standards in brewing our beers, which have made them the best-selling in the U.S. and the world.?

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

NextGen eBiz: SEO for Small Business

I believe, it?s every small business owners dream to see their small organization transformed into a large organization spread around the world. It does not mean they want grow into 5000-employee organization with $10Billion turnover in next 5yrs. It?s about their reach to customer base across the Globe.

In today?s online economy, where small business is no longer limited by their physical location or reach, their dream to go global is far closer than it was ever been.

In the past, one of the challenges with any business to market their products worldwide was lack of sales and marketing infrastructure. To build it required constant business growth complimented by huge investment.

Internet marketing is a blessing for every small business owner with a dream to grow big. Internet marketing is the most cost effective way for any business to market their products and services worldwide. Best of all, Internet marketing is not a domain of select few. Numerous Internet marketing specialists can help achieve your objectives.

Even though, technology has made it look like a breeze for any business to jump into Internet marketing but it can result in zero outcome if you don?t do it right.

Internet marketing? must be treated with respect and care. It?s important to understand and evaluate all available internet marketing options and see which of these Internet marketing strategy best suites your business.

Internet marketing? is a combination of multiple options e.g. Email marketing, Search Engine optimization ( SEO ), Ad Words, Affiliate marketing and now the fastest growing, Social Media Marketing ( SMM ).

So far, promotion through search engine optimization is the most cost effective from longer terms perspective. Getting found through organic search gives more credibility to your business as compared to be listed at the top through Adwords.

To maintain your ranking requires constant work in terms of continually updating your website content, regular blogging and maintaining local listing through Google places etc.

Google constantly changes their search algorithms in other words, rules are changed regularly and that affects every site. For this, you need a good Search engine optimizer who can keep track of the changes and make regular submissions. Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is all about doing simple things regularly, ethically and by keeping your customers best interest in mind.

We at NextGen ebiz offer combination of online marketing techniques, innovative design & strong application development capabilities to provide best output and results to enhance site rankings and ultimately business over the internet.


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Dominican singer can be held for year in drug case

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) ? A judge in the Dominican Republic ruled Monday that the winner of a TV talent show can be held in jail for up to a year while authorities investigate her alleged involvement in drug smuggling.

Martha Heredia, a 22-year-old Dominican singer who was a winner of the show "Latin American Idol," was arrested at a Dominican airport on Wednesday as she was about to board a flight to New York. Police allege she had 2.9 pounds (1.3 kilograms) of heroin stuffed in the heels of three pairs of platform shoes.

On Monday, Judge Deyanira Vasquez ruled that Heredia can be held for a year in jail. No charges have been filed, but the Dominican legal systems allows for lengthy preventative detention.

Heredia's lawyer, Felix Portes, said there is "no evidence" that links the singer to the suitcase where the heroin was found.

Portes tried unsuccessfully to get the court to authorize Heredia's transfer from a lockup to a medical clinic, arguing she had underwent a liposuction procedure in recent weeks and was experiencing discomfort.

Heredia had become a local star after she won the final "Latin American Idol" contest in 2009. The show, which ran for three years, was a Spanish-language version of the popular "Idols" franchise. Her subsequent musical career failed to take off.


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Oil Magnet runs streak to seven in Survivor Series final

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: --- Saturday, February 23, 2013
Oil Magnet won his seventh straight start since joining the stable of Ron Burke, scoring in a time of 1:53.1 over a sloppy track in the $86,700 Winter Survivor Series final for claiming pacers on Saturday night at Meadowlands Racetrack. ...


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TALKSPORT ? Video: Sports pictures taken at exactly the right moment ? Brendan Rodgers, Roberto Mancini and more

There is an art to sports photography, but sometimes you can just get plain lucky and snap a shot at exactly the right moment ? the kind of picture you can't plan, but turns out to be spectactularly entertaining. That's the motive behind this video ? part two of our series of sports pictures taken at exactly the right moment. This edition features an interesting facial expression from Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers, a funny bit of skill from Manchester City gaffer Roberto Mancini and many more sports pictures taken at the right moment. Enjoy!

A news article on 2013-02-24 07:04:00 from: Talksport

Read the full article here.

This news item has been reproduced from today?s media. It does not necessarily represent the opinion of Kop That.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

The mouth that roared (Offthekuff)

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Andr?s Simonyi: 'Nordic Cool Power in Wasington': What the Nordics Teach About Nation Branding

Last week the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. welcomed "Nordic Cool 2013", a month-long festival showcasing the finest examples of music, dance, literature,fashion, food, lifestyle and the arts, all the product of creativity and a thousand years of tradition from the Nordic countries. The icing on the cake (literally) on opening night was a dinner created by the talented Morten Sohlberg, the Norwegian-born chef who runs, among others, the Smorgas in New York. This was just a sampler, with more to come!

The Nordics are smart to team up to make themselves visible in Washington and beyond, as an entity to be reckoned with. This radiates self confidence in each of the [very diverse] participants: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, the F?r?er Islands and ?land. The message they are delivering is very simple: creativity is the most precious resource of the 21st century, which thrives on tradition, innovation, respect, tolerance, openness and courage. This one-of-a-kind event illustrates all that through a widespread cultural attraction the Nordic countries increasingly enjoy these days.

But why is it that a small, inhospitable geographically peripheral part of Northern Europe is currently among the hottest places in the world in terms of global attractiveness? What have they got right that others should learn from?

Clearly, what is unique about the Nordics is not just their cultural appeal, but also their successful 'nation branding' efforts underpinned by strong attention to both soft and hard power.

In today's fluid globalized world, 'nation branding' is already emerging as an important concept. As businesses seek to attract customers on an increasingly competitive global market, positive preconceptions of a country can help improve the competitiveness of a nation's exports. Well-known Nordic brands such as Nokia, Volvo, H&M, Ikea, Lego or Novo Nordisk and Angry Bird, have all benefited and profited from the strong attractiveness of their home countries.

Make no mistake: the successful export of Nordic "cool" culture is not accidental nor merely the result of savvy marketing campaigns. On the contrary, these countries have all made a deliberate, concerted effort at promoting their global brands in a strategic way which includes but also goes beyond cultural aspects. In the case of the Nordics, cultural appeal is complemented by a strong and principled international stance and domestic well-being. Moreover, their domestic affairs -- characterized by effective governance, strong liberal values and an egalitarian system, an innovation-driven, tech savvy business climate, and environmentally conscious policies -- is an envy to the rest of the world.

Using a smart mindset on power, the Nordics show that both soft and hard power capacities, part of one power toolbox, are the critical components that comprise a nation's global brand. But successful nation branding is also inevitably a 'whole-of-society' enterprise. As the Nordics show, these assets must be deployed strategically and in a comprehensive manner. Effective collaboration between government, civil society and the private sector is key.

The fact that they hold hands is a victory of reason. None of them alone can wield as much power and influence as in unity. Together they are a formidable little giant to be reckoned with both economically, culturally and militarily.They have put aside historic grievances a long time ago, which today only exist in jokes. A hundred years ago Norway was still a Danish colony and in Finland the Swedish minority was discriminated against. Today they project power together, and the Finnish Secretary General of the Nordic Council, Jan Erik Enestam, is from the Swedish minority.

The Nordics wield the tools in their "spectral power toolbox" smartly.

The challenge posed by the authoritarian models to Western-style democracy is a real one. To offer a real viable response, Western countries must undertake necessary and bold domestic reforms to enhance governance efficiency and economic competitiveness, ensure transparency, beat corruption and keep democratic institutions strong. They must also seek to play a more responsible global role, stepping up to the plate when it comes to contributing to international peace, security and development efforts.

Nordic Cool is a display of the softer tools in the power toolbox. But it is important, to recognize that their power is ultimately based on their belief in universal values of human rights and freedoms. It is this belief that allows to reconcile their national interests with the needs and interests of the international community.

In sum, "Cool Power" complements and transcends both hard and soft power. It is a display of the attractiveness of a group of countries, which in turn is based on both their domestic and international qualities, ones that really matter in the 21st century. Their strength lies in turning their diversity into a joint message. In return they each gain a lot of visibility. Tapping into this and communicating the mindset effectively must become a new imperative for the West.

It naturally comes to mind that others in Europe, in particular Central Europe: the Poles, the Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks and Romanians should learn from the Nordics. They should team up, not just in words and forms of declarations but for real. The menu for opening night at their joint event in Washington will be nothing to worry about.


Follow Andr?s Simonyi on Twitter:

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oscar Pistorius gets bail as murder trial looms

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) ? Oscar Pistorius walked out of court Friday ? free at least for now ? after a South African magistrate released him on bail, capping four days of often startling testimony that foreshadowed a dramatic trial in the Valentine's Day slaying of his girlfriend.

But as he was driven away, chased by photographers and cameramen, questions continued to hound the double-amputee Olympian about what actually happened the night he gunned down Reeva Steenkamp inside a locked bathroom in his home.

Pistorius is charged with premeditated murder, and even Chief Magistrate Desmond Nair expressed doubts about his story that he mistook the 29-year-old model for an intruder and fired out of fear.

"Why would (Pistorius) venture further into danger" by going into the bathroom at all, Nair asked.

Cries of "Yes!" went up from Pistorius' supporters when Nair announced his decision to a packed courtroom after a nearly two-hour explanation of the ruling.

Nair set bail at 1 million rand ($113,000), with $11,300 in cash up front and proof that the rest is available. The 26-year-old track star was also ordered to hand over his passports, turn in any guns he owns and keep away from his upscale home in a gated community in Pretoria, which is now a crime scene.

He cannot leave the district of Pretoria without his probation officer's permission and is not allowed to consume drugs or alcohol, the magistrate said. His next court appearance was set for June 4.

Earlier, Pistorius alternately wept and appeared solemn and composed, especially as Nair criticized police procedures in the case and as a judgment in the track star's favor appeared imminent. He showed no reaction as he was granted bail.

Pistorius left the courthouse in a silver Land Rover just over an hour after the bail conditions were set. The vehicle, tailed by motorcycles carrying television cameramen, later pulled into the home of Pistorius' uncle.

"We are relieved at the fact that Oscar got bail today, but at the same time we are in mourning for the death of Reeva, with her family," said Pistorius' uncle, Arnold Pistorius. "As a family, we know Oscar's version of what happened on that tragic night and we know that that is the truth and that will prevail in the coming court case."

Dozens of journalists and international and local television crews had converged on the red-brick courthouse to hear the decision ? a sign of the global fascination with a case involving a once-inspirational athlete and his beautiful girlfriend, a law school graduate and budding reality TV show contestant.

Nair said Pistorius' sworn statement, an unusual written account of what happened during the pre-dawn hours of Feb. 14, had helped his application for bail.

"I come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail," Nair said.

Pistorius said he shot Steenkamp accidentally, believing she was an intruder in his house. He described "a sense of terror rushing over" him and feeling vulnerable because he stood only on his stumps before opening fire.

Prosecutors say he intended to kill Steenkamp as she cowered in fear behind the locked bathroom door after a loud argument between the two.

Yet despite poking holes in Pistorius' version of events and bringing up incidents they say highlight his temper, the state's case started to unravel during testimony by the lead investigator, Detective Warrant Officer Hilton Botha.

Botha, who faces seven charges of attempted murder in an unrelated incident, was removed from the case Thursday. His replacement, the nation's top detective, Vinesh Moonoo, stopped by the hearing briefly Friday.

While Nair leveled harsh criticism at Botha for "errors" and "blunders," he said one man does not represent an investigation and that the state could not be expected to put all "the pieces of the puzzle" together in such a short time.

The prosecution accepted the judge's decision without protest. "We're still confident in our case," prosecution spokesman Medupe Simasiku said.

Pistorius faced the sternest bail requirements in South Africa because of the seriousness of the charge, which carries a life sentence if convicted. His defense attorneys had to prove that he would not flee the country, would not interfere with witnesses or the case, and his release would not cause public unrest.

Nair questioned whether Pistorius would be a flight risk when he stood to lose a fortune in cash, cars, property and other assets. Nair also said that while it had been shown that Pistorius had aggressive tendencies, he did not have a prior record of offenses for violent acts.

Anticipating the shape of the state's case at trial, he said he had serious questions about Pistorius' account: Why didn't he try to locate his girlfriend if he feared an intruder was in the house? Why didn't he try to determine who was in the bathroom before opening fire? And why did he venture into perceived "danger" in the bathroom when he could have taken other steps to ensure his safety?

"There are improbabilities which need to be explored," Nair said, adding that Pistorius could clarify these matters by testifying under oath at trial.

Sharon Steenkamp, Reeva's cousin, said the model's family would not be watching the bail decision and had not been following the hearing.

"It doesn't make any difference to the fact that we are without Reeva," she told The Associated Press.

Before the hearing, Pistorius' longtime coach, Ampie Louw, said he hoped to put the runner back into his training routine if he got bail.

"The sooner he can start working the better," said Louw, who persuaded the double-amputee to take up track as a teenager a decade ago. But he acknowledged Pistorius could be "heartbroken" and unwilling to immediately pull on the carbon-fiber running blades that earned him the nickname "Blade Runner."


AP Sports Writer Gerald Imray contributed to this report from Johannesburg.


Jon Gambrell can be reached at .


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Miguel Ruiz, Jr.: A Walking Away Point

In the last two years of my college days, I learned a phrase from my fellow classmates that has helped me refocus my attention in moments of stress, especially when a deadline was looming over us. We referred to it as the "walking away point." Unlike procrastination, where my attention is hooked by anything other than the project that I should be working on, the "walking away point" is a moment where we hit a mental wall on a project and lose our focus. We need to walk away to clear our minds.

Stress can make us press forward without recognizing the wall, but the quality of the work suffers because we no longer see the project with clarity. The "walking away point" is the moment we become aware of this wall and we make a choice to shift our attention, in order to detach from the stress, onto something that allows us to relax and open up our perception of what we are doing.

So, here is what I do now with my "walking away point." I save my project on my computer and I shut it down, or put it to sleep, and set a timer for five or 10 minutes and I walk away. The purpose is to find something that completely takes my attention away from the project, and engage in a moment that allows me to feel alive.

  • Make Myself A Quick Meal

    Make myself a quick meal, if I am hungry, with complete awareness of every step I take in creating the dish. When I am done, I sit down and close my eyes and take a deep breath; as I switch the focus of attention on the creation of the meal, to focusing on the flavors, I give thanks and I eat. While enjoying every flavor and texture in every bite, everything feels right in my world and it makes me feel at peace with gratitude.

  • Have A Cup Of Coffee

    Have a cup of coffee with my wife and engage her in a conversation about anything. Enjoying the relationship she and I have allows me to be aware of our love.

  • Go For A Quick Walk

    Put on my headphones and go for a quick walk around the neighborhood. The combination of listening to music while moving my body always makes me feel young and alive.

  • Play Music

    I go over to my son's drum kit and play the drums for a bit. Though my talents are limited, playing a simple rhythm allows me to experience joy in the moment.

  • Play With Kids

    Join my kids in play, their laughter and smiles bring me back to this present moment of having fun. My stress recedes as a smile comes in as I remember what is important in my life.

When the timer goes off, I disengage from the moment and go back to my project. From there, all these ideas start pouring in, sometimes a new sense of direction is found, or the path that I was already one becomes clear again. But what is for sure, I can see again.

For more by Miguel Ruiz, Jr., click here.

For more on success and motivation, click here.




Follow Miguel Ruiz, Jr. on Twitter:

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Microsoft Diserang Hacker, Persis Seperti Dialami Facebook-Apple, Jakarta : Raksasa software Microsoft mengaku telah menjadi korban serangan cyberattack, beberapa jam lalu. Dalam sebuah post di blog keamanannya, Microsoft mengaku menjadi korban peretasan dengan situasi yang sama seperti yang dialami Facebook dan Apple.

"Saat melakukan investigasi, kami menemukan sejumlah kecil komputer, termasuk di unit bisnis kami yang menggunakan Mac, yang terinfeksi dengan malicious software dengan menggunakan teknik sama yang didokumentasi oleh perusahaan lain," tulis Matt Thomlinson, General Manager Trustworthy Computing Security di blog Microsoft, yang kutip dari Mashable, Sabtu (23/2/2013).

Meski menjadi korban peretasan, Microsoft mengaku tak ada data konsumen yang menjadi korban.

Perusahaan yang didirikan Bill Gates ini mengaku tak kaget dengan adanya serangan hacker ini. Microsoft pun mengaku akan terus melakukan re-evaluasi terhadap sistem keamanan mereka. "Untuk mencegah akses tanpa izin ke jaringan kami," tulis Thomlinson.

Sebelumnya, Apple mengaku sistem mereka telah diinfiltrasi oleh hacker yang sama dengan yang membobol keamanan Facebook. Apple mengaku tak ada data yang dicuri.

Sedangkan Facebook menjadi korban peretasan saat pegawai Facebook mengunjungi suatu situs mobile developer. Serangan ini diakui sangat canggih karena malware langsung terinstal begitu situs dibuka. Tapi tak ada data yang berhasil dicuri. (GAL)


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Magic trade Redick, 2 others to Bucks

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) ? When he first took over as Orlando's general manager this past summer, Rob Hennigan was adamant that it would take a deliberate process to rebuild the team following the decision to trade All-Star center Dwight Howard.

Hennigan said that process took its next step via another tough decision he made in the final minutes of the Thursday's trade deadline.

The Magic traded veteran shooting guard and fan favorite J.J. Redick, along with center Gustavo Ayon and reserve point guard Ish Smith to the Milwaukee Bucks in exchange for guards Doron Lamb and Beno Udrih, as well as forward Tobias Harris.

In a separate trade, Orlando also acquired forward Hakim Warrick and cash considerations from the Charlotte Bobcats in exchange for forward Josh McRoberts. The team said it intends to waive Warrick.

"As we evaluated all our options leading up to the deadline...We made the deliberate decision to go ahead and make this move because we feel like it sets us in a direction that we're trying to go, which is to create something that is sustainable," Hennigan said. "At the end of the day we liked the Milwaukee deal because we felt we were able to get back some players that addressed some needs for us. We got some players we feel fit the timeline we're trying to put together to create a competitive window."

Hennigan said the Magic talked to about a dozen teams about various trades. He said the decision to take Milwaukee's deal was made about four minutes before the deadline because the consensus was the pieces they picked up helped them long-term.

He acknowledged Orlando was also setting itself up for the future and he is looking to make his roster younger and build through future drafts.

Hennigan said he does that by acquiring two young players in the rookie Lamb, and second-year Harris. The Magic also pick up a true backup point guard in Udrih to play behind veteran Jameer Nelson.

The new players are expected to get physicals on Friday and could be ready to suit up as early as Saturday when Orlando hosts Cleveland.

But Hennigan's first call Thursday was to the departing Redick, who had said handled the news as a "professional" and was "a class act." But he dismissed the notion that the move was at all inevitable because of the possible asking price for Redick as he enters free agency this summer.

A former first-round pick in his seventh season, Redick was a coveted name on the trade market. A 2006 Orlando draft selection, he is averaging career highs in points (15.1) and field goal percentage (45.0).

Now in the final year of a three-year $19 million contract and is likely to seek a long-term deal this summer. By comparison Ayon, who was acquired this summer in a sign-and-trade deal, is making about $1.5 in his second season. Smith was a preseason free-agent signing and is making less than $1 million.

"It was not an easy decision for us by any means," Hennigan said. "It was a hard decision, and I'll be honest with you guys. But when you look at it, you take all the different parts and you analyze what was available, we felt like this was a move we had to do to further the process of trying to create competitive team that's gonna be competitive for a long time."

Redick said this week that he was pleased with Hennigan's candidness throughout the season and remained open to the idea of staying in Orlando to finish the season.

He also told reporters after the Magic's loss to Dallas on Wednesday night that he recognized he could also be dealt.

"I can sit here and say I don't want to come back, I can sit here and say I do want to come back. Ultimately, it's their decision," Redick said.

Redick was a restricted free agent when he signed an offer sheet with Chicago in the summer of 2010, but Orlando matched his deal. With no restrictions after this season, the Magic had no guarantee that he would re-sign.

Still, the decision to deal Redick was not an unexpected move for a Magic team that has parted ways with a franchise player in Howard and last season's NBA Most Improved Player in Ryan Anderson.

Having been a part of all three decisions, the 30-year-old Hennigan joked that "I started dying my hair two months ago." He said knows fans will begin looking for results from the moves sooner than later.

"What I can tell you is this is a pressure business," he said. "It is what it is. We feel that pressure. We embrace that pressure. It's something that you really have to look at from, I think, a bigger picture and bigger perspective and understand that there are decisions you make because you believe in the process.

"And we believe in what we're doing. We believe in the way we make decisions. We believe in the research we do. It's our hope that our fans believe in that with us."


Follow Kyle Hightower on Twitter at


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Why no glimpse of PS4 console? It's about the brains, not the plastic


PlayStation 4 Controller

After months of rumor and speculation, Sony has revealed its new game machine ? the PlayStation 4 ? as well as a new controller with a touch... Read more

Why didn't Sony show the PlayStation 4 console at the PlayStation 4 unveiling? The truth is, it did. You might say to yourself that we didn't see what the shell of the PlayStation 4 looks like, so how can we be excited by a device which has yet to take physical form? Because this isn't an iPad, folks. The PlayStation 4 is not a device you store in your pocket and touch lovingly everyday (unless you know something I don't). This is about what the PlayStation 4 can do, and Sony spent two hours telling us exactly that.

The real PlayStation 4 is about the guts, and can be seen in the complex beauty of games such as "Killzone: Shadow Fall." It can be seen in the dedication to unprecedented sharing tools for gamers and stunning graphics engines being produced by people like Quantic Dream's David Cage.

I didn't expect we would see the plastic case of the PlayStation 4 at the event, and that's certainly not the only surprise that Sony is holding back. Showing the PlayStation 4 hardware would mean tipping their hand. So while we contemplate the PlayStation 4's inner beauty, let's also feel the thrill that there's more to come, and not just a molded plastic case.

Follow Todd Kenreck on Facebook and on Twitter.


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It's No Use Hiding From This Week's Open Thread

It's No Use Hiding From This Week's Open ThreadSome of us are better at blending in than others. But there's no point in hiding any more?you're among friends. Feel free to talk about anything you want in this week's open thread.

Same drill as always, open-threaders: You can chat and ask questions with your fellow readers all week long at the #openthread hashtag page, but our weekly open thread post is your opportunity to reach the most people. Ask questions, offer advice, discuss productivity tips, or just chat about whatever's on your mind. You'll need a commenter account to participate, then you're ready to roll.

An extra reminder: If you're not quite satisfied with the interaction in the weekly open thread or in #tips, remember that you can also share your expertise every day on our Expert Pages.

Photo by a tai.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

With PlayStation 4, Sony reboots its games business

By Matt Vella, deputy technology editor

Andrew House, president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment

Andrew House, president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment

FORTUNE -- Sony Corp. unveiled its PlayStation 4 video game console Wednesday, introducing a machine with dramatically improved technical abilities, crisp graphics, and a slew of social networking features. The new console is a major bid by the company to regain momentum in the quickly changing, $78 billion global games industry.

Due for the 2013 holiday, the Playstation 4 will be powered by an x86 chipset, advanced graphic processing unit, 8 gigabytes of memory, and come with a built-in hard disk drive. Sony (SNE) described the system as being built on a "supercharged PC architecture," making it relatively simple for developers to create games for computers running Microsoft (MSFT) Windows as well as the PS4. It will feature a motion-sensing wireless controller, the Dual Shock 4, that looks similar to the current version but features a touch-sensitive track pad. (See image below.)

The final design of the machine was not shown to the public, however.?Sony did not announce whether it plans to launch the system first in Japan and later in the U.S., as it sometimes has in the past, or simultaneously around the world. It also did not disclose an estimated retail price for the video game system.

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"Today is a moment of truth for Sony," said Andrew House, president and group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment. "The stakes are high," he added, perhaps nodding to Sony's delicate financial position. The beleaguered Japanese electronics giant has been waiting for a turnaround to materialize for years. Outside of the PlayStation business, it has progressively lost ground in the race to create lust-worthy consumer electronics to the likes of Samsung and Apple (AAPL).

Earlier on Wednesday, Sony said it expects to post a $1.23 billion operating profit for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. But it also previously disclosed a third-quarter loss of $115 million, due to a significant decrease in hardware and software sales. Game hardware sales decreased 15.1% from the previous year's third quarter. In January, Sony Corporation of America revealed plans to sell its 37-story headquarters in New York City, a move expected to generate some $770 million.

Sony's announcement also comes as doubts about the future of traditional console gaming are mounting. Last month, Nintendo (NTDOY) -- the first of the three major console makers to release next-generation hardware -- slashed its sales outlook, reflecting disappointing holiday sales of its new Wii U console. The Sony competitor cut its projection to $7.39 billion for the fiscal year to March, a 17% drop; ?just a few years ago, it was raking in record profits thanks to its hit, original Wii.?Microsoft has yet to announce plans for a successor to its best-selling Xbox 360 console.

Sony's new controller and motion sensor.

Sony's new controller and motion sensor.

With the PlayStation 4, Sony appears to be coming to terms with major shifts in technology as well as the impact of mobile phones, tablets, and social networking on how gamers play. The console features cloud-based technology that can stream games to players' homes instantly, much like Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon (AMZN) beam movies and TV shows. (Last year, Sony bought cloud provider Gaikai for $380 million.) "The living room is no longer the center of the ecosystem," said Sony's House, referring to the ability to connect to PS4 games via tablets, smartphones and the web.

MORE:?4 features the PlayStation 4 absolutely must have

Additionally, PlayStation Vita owners will be able to use their handheld gaming device as a supplementary screen, including controlling games remotely or displaying tactical information.?Sony said it would offer a motion-sensing camera system akin to Microsoft's popular Kinect device. That will allow the machine to pick up the movements of a player. In one example, developer Media Molecule showed a video of users sculpting 3-D objects by waving a motion controller in the air.

Sony showed a number of game demos, some running in real-time on development hardware, including action-adventure title Knack and realistic driving simulator Drive Club. Developers from some of the biggest firms in gaming were a part of the presentation, including Capcom, Square Enix, Bungie, and Blizzard (ATVI). Blizzard announced that its PC-only blockbuster Diablo 3 would be available for the PS4 and PS3.


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Ways to Stick to Your Workout: Exercise Motivation - Shape Magazine

If you're the type of person who's ever huffed and puffed, struggling to push through a treadmill session while secretly wanting to slap that smug smile off the lanky runner effortlessly trotting next to you, you're not alone! And now it looks like there may be a physiological reason why some people dislike exercise more than others.

Hoping to encourage more people to leave the couch and move, researchers at Iowa State University are studying the body's biological and chemical processes to better understand the attitudes people have about exercise. So far they've made a few surprising discoveries, including that our interpretation of our body's sensations while we sweat it out influences how we feel about exercise in general.

Everyone, no matter their fitness level, has a physical capacity for exertion beyond which the body becomes stressed and begins to feel bad. Researchers estimate that anywhere from 10 to 50 percent of that stems from genetic factors such as lung capacity, oxygen transport, and the rate at which oxygen is used in the muscle cells.

This physical capacity will vary from person to person, and some people may start out with more ability than others, but oftentimes people, especially sedentary ones, unwittingly push themselves too far, too soon, which can be discouraging, physically painful, and cause them to stop exercising altogether.

RELATED: If you're working out to lose weight, you also need the right eating plan. Be sure you're not making any of these diet mistakes that mess with your metabolism.

Ultimately the Iowa State researchers stressed that it's important for adults to try new things as well as start slowly.

We agree! At SHAPE, we've long since recommended that you find a workout you'll love because you'll be more likely to stick with it. Here are a few tips to help exercise be more enjoyable.

1. Stop trying so hard. It's important to challenge yourself, but you don't want to push youself to the point of injury, nor do you want to go so far past your ventilatory threshold (the point at which your body starts to feel bad) that you stress yourself out. Plus, the Iowa State resarchers noted in their research that the more positive experiences people have with exercise, the more likely they are to keep at it. So if you notice your resolve waning, don't force it, give yourself a break for a couple of days, and check out these 22 ways to stay motivated. You'll be more refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle your goals again in no time.

2. Let Pinterest inspire you. They say a picture's worth a thousand words. We say these pinworthy photos are about to be worth 1,000 calories?burned!

3. Ask for help. From weight-loss bloggers to fitness websites to the nation's powerhouse fitness and diet experts, there is an almost unlimited amount of resources at your fingertips. If you're feeling stressed, worried, or have a question about something, reach out to someone for advice! You may gain a new perspective on health or fitness.


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