Thursday, March 14, 2013

Introducing... Scientific American MIND blogs!

Today is a big day here at the network! Earlier this morning we launched the MIND Blog Network.

Scientific American MIND, the younger sister magazine, woke up this morning to a sparkling shiny new homepage, as well as the special new landing page for the MIND blogs.

What is probably most exciting to us, and to you, the readers, is that we added six new blogs to the MIND blog network. Let me briefly introduce them:

Melanie Tannenbaum (Twitter) is a doctoral candidate in social psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her new blog, PsySociety (following in the footsteps of her previous blog), will cover social psychology through the prism of popular culture. Say Hi to Melanie on her introductory post.


Felicity Muth (Twitter) received her PhD at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Her blog Not bad science (just like her old blog of the same name) will cover new discoveries in animal behavior and cognition. See her first post and say Hello.


Scott Barry Kaufman (Twitter) is a cognitive psychologist at NYU interested in intelligence and creativity, and the co-founder of The Creativity Post. His book, Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined, is scheduled to be published in June. Bookmark his new blog Beautiful Minds (and check out the archives of his old blog). You will learn more about Scott in his introductory post.


Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen Macknik (Twitter) are the new Illusion Chasers! They are neuroscientists and laboratory directors at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. They use illusions to study how are brains construct experiences of the world. They are authors of the book Sleights of Mind, have written many pieces in the Scientific American MIND series ?Illusions? as well as on their old blog. They are now also member of the MIND?s Advisory Board. Welcome them on their new blog and follow them on Twitter.


Adam Waytz (Twitter) and Jamil Zaki (Twitter) are starting their brand new blog ? The Moral Universe. Jamil Zaki is an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University. Adam Waytz is an Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations at Northwestern University?s Kellogg School of Management. They are both interested in morality, empathy, and prosocial behavior and they explore it in dialogues with each other ? to which you are all now invited as well. You can jump right in.


MIND Guest Blog is just like the main Guest Blog ? a place where we invite scientists and other outside contributors to share news, insights and commentary in their fields of expertise, in this case in all aspects of the study of the brain, mind and behavior. It will be edited by MIND editor-in-chief Sandra Upson, senior editor Ingrid Wickelgren and myself. Feel free to send us your pitches.


Well, these are the new MIND blogs. But that is not all. Eleven of our current blogs are also receiving the new designation as MIND blogs. Here they are:

Streams of Consciousness: The scoop on how we think, feel and act. By Ingrid Wickelgren.



Talking Back: A science blog sans blague. By Gary Stix.



Brainwaves: Current thoughts on mind, life and culture. By Ferris Jabr.



A Blog Around the Clock: Rhythms of life in meatspace and cyberland. By Bora Zivkovic.



The Scicurious Brain: The good, bad, and weird in physiology and neuroscience. By Scicurious.



The Thoughtful Animal: Exploring the evolution and architecture of the mind. By Jason B. Goldman.



Literally Psyched: Conceived in literature, tested in psychology. By Maria Konnikova.



Science with Moxie: Musical notes on neuroscience. By Princess Ojiaku.



The White Noise: A hit of addiction and mental illness, chased by chemistry and culture. By Cassie Rodenberg.



Cargo Cult Contrarian: Notes on language, memory and perception. By Melody Dye.



Bering in Mind: A research psychologist?s curious look at human behavior. By Jesse Bering.



You know how you see little ?Staff? tags on the staff blogs on the homepage, like this?



The MIND blogs will also have a tag, just like this:



Both old and new MIND blogs will keep appearing on the SA homepage and Blogs homepage and in various feeds and social media. On top of that, they will also be aggregated on the new MIND homepage, new MIND blogs aggregator, and the MIND social media including Facebook and Twitter.


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