Monday, July 1, 2013

Texas Sen. Davis Braces For New Abortion Fight

Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis, who blocked extensive abortion restrictions in her state with an 11-hour filibuster last week, said she expects a different fight this week on the issue.

"They mismanaged the clock terribly last time and they also ran roughshod over a lot of our Senate rules and traditions to try to ram this bill through," Davis told host Bob Schieffer on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday. "But, what they now have to confront is that the eyes of Texas, the eyes of the country, are watching and they are going to be held accountable for the decisions that they make in this process."

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Meanwhile, Davis said she continues to be taken aback by Texas Gov. Rick Perry's attacks on her after the filibuster.? On Thursday, just two days after, Perry told the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas that Davis, a single mother of two daughters and a graduate of Harvard Law School, that she should "learn from her own example that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential."

Perry: Abortion Foe Best Example 'That Every Life Matters'

"It was a terrible personal thing for him to say," Davis said of Perry's insinuation that her own mother chose not to abort her. "I've been in the political arena for some time, and it takes a lot to offend me."

She said even more than for herself, she was 'offended about the statement it makes on behalf of women throughout the state of Texas. I think it showed disregard for the fact we all we each own our own personal history, we make choices and have the opportunity to take chances that present themselves to us. What this is about is making sure that women across the state of Texas have the same opportunity to make those choices and have the same chances that I had."

Perry has announced a second session to pass the measure Monday. If passed, the state will impose laws that forbid abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, as well as shut down most abortion clinics.

Davis says the law would set up a "very dangerous place" for women's reproductive rights and healthcare.

She also accused Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst using the abortion legislation to "step up on the political ladder" by "bullying women and their liberties in the process."

She noted that experts outside the political world, such as the American Obstretics and Gynecology College are saying if the clinics close, "that means of thousands and thousands and thousands of women will no longer have access to this safe reproductive healthcare."

? 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


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